This is Princess Leia, named after the heroine from my all time favourite movie series - Star Wars - I was introduced to the first 3 films of the series by my former Bishop, and one of my true friends! Once I saw the first 3 - episodes 4, 5 and 6 - and was hooked! I managed to get a box set of these initial films, and bought Episodes 1, 2 and 3 as soon as they were released.
I was impressed that the films kind of equate to the power of the Priesthood. Interesting because the Director is himself a member of the LDS Church!
I often lend DVDs to friends, but not my prized collection of Star Wars and my entire (3 DVDs) set of Monty Python. I know people who say that it is pointless to view a film more than once,. but I really enjoy my Star Wars films and humerous films like Monty Python (a very acquired taste!) and Johnny English - a complete spoof of James Bond - that is really funny - every time I watch it!
When I was at school, a classmate used to sing along to the songs in films like Monty Python - the feature films - and films like "Little Shop of Horrors" which despite it's name, is really really fun - again an acquired taste! I was always intrigued to know what was so great about them. I found copies of these films in different places - I FINALLY found "Little Shop" in Musica, last time I was in Cape Town. I asked in Durban, but they could lot locate it! Maybe I'm crazed, but they are too valuable to me to ever loan out and let them get damaged!
I usually get to see a heap of different animals. I still need to learn how to include multiple photos on a blog!
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