Saturday, July 17, 2010

Further strange(?) notions

I awoke today and lo and behold, life looks great! The sky is blue as is the sea! The sugar cane is healthy, lush and green! Global Warming is not apparent here, since it is way too cold to go outside and enjoy life!

I am kind of scared about "outside", since that is where bees live! Sure they are cute little black and yellow striped insects, but the sting from even one will bring my allergies to the fore. Last time I was stung, I spent 4 days in ICU and High Care, and have to carry tablets to save my life if I am ever stung again.

Really amazing that I am - since I was so badly stung - now allergic to me! Apparently the anti venoms that my blood created after the bee venom was devoured, is safe - for now, but if I get even one sting, the anti venoms will have the sme reaction on me as if another several thousand bees sting me! I am therefore allergic to me! Go Figure!

I had a comment on my blog where I expressed concern that the world happily follows crazed fanatics who object to the "greenhouse gasses" created. I wonder if they even think that maybe greenhouse gasses are a GOOD THING! Sure that is not a fashionable concept, but we have our own agency to believe what we believe, and no-one can take this agency away!

Plants live on Carbon Dioxide, so the more we create, the better for plants and trees! I also have the idea that commercial crops are a source of clean air! They take the carbon out of the air and use it to grow. From my home you can see fields of sugarcane where the natural bush has been taken out! If anything the sugarcane is more environmentally than the original natural bush, since it must use up more carbon than the original trees! The more carbon dioxide, the more plants it can support! If humans eat too much rich food, what happens? Expanding waistelines! Is this a bad thing? Maybe not, unless you are a Playboy model! If plants are starved, they die. More CO2 is surely a good thing!

For the last few weeks, it has been way colder in Zululand than it usually is! Where is the evidence of Global Warming at present - not here!

I consider that Man is here to have Joy - says so in the scriptures, not to live under the continual threat of huge catastrophies! - I think that maybe this is a scare tactic created by the devil, to keep us too involved in dealing with threats, and not having time to enjoy life, the primary reason we exist!

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