Monday, July 5, 2010

A brand new week

I really wanted to post some photos on my blog, but my cameras (both of the little individuals) had flat batteries. I need to go shopping then for AA penlight batteries! I found some AAA batteries, but they are kind of too small. I am going up to the Game Reserve on Monday next, to take the Missionery Elders up to the Reserve. I Will need them then!

I am not supposing that I have a sniff of a chance of seeing a leopard! I wave wanted to see one ever since I have been going up to the Reserve, and for the last 25 - 30 years, I have not maneaged to see one - except the last time I was there!

i fully expected to see one in or around trees, but we were driving near the entrance gate, late afternoon, when in a sandy area, there was one lying - in the open! At first I thought that it was a King Cheetah, but it was way more muscular than a cheetah. It was way too golden in colour to be a hyena, and was no where near as timid.

I did come across a group of Vultures on the ground, blocking the way past! They were feeding on a dead giraffe. In the background - running scared - was a hyena, and it was distinctly grey in colour. The only Hyena that I have ever seen have been terrified of the sight of a car, and were runing scared! The leopard that I saw was not concerned about ANYTHING and was lying out in the open.

So, one visit in a quarter of a century, and I see a leopard!

Strange to think that before lunch, we saw next to no animals, then as we were heading for the Reserve gate, we were first stopped by Elephant on the road, then rhino, then we saw the leopard! Some days, I see a whole lot of game even before we get from the boundary to the Entrance gate, but then some days, viewing starts out really slow!

I have to accept that I sometimes dont see Zebra, or Giraffe, but usually I get to see a heap of different Game! I just love being in the Reserve, even if I dont get to see anything - although that has NEVER happened! I recall that my ex stated that her Dad - a tour operater, had taken a group of visitors to see the Kruger Park, and saw nothing - except one tortoise! Maybe I just know more or less where to go, to see various Game

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