Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sundry comments

Maybe Africa spoils one, but I was reading a comment on a blog where they commented on "Coastal Scotland" but I consider that anywhere in Scotland MUST be "coastal" even if their coasts are nothing like the coast where I live - blue sea crashing down on long, wide sandy beaches! Maybe i am spoilt, but talk to me of a coast, I picture the wide beaches here in Mtunzini or like the one in Beira, up in Mocambique!

They talk of the coast around the Cape Province, but I will not venture onto the rocks there and the beaches are so tiny, and the water is only just warmer than that which comes out of my freezer! Makes our sea seem so warm - 21 degrees celsius - warmer even than that of Johannesburg at mid day at the moment! The average temperature of the water in the Cape is around 11 degrees celsius. I personally feel that anything below 20 degrees celsius is JUST above freezing!

Makes you wonder where the "learnerd scientists" get their "crazy" ideas about Global Warming! If you take last week as an example, this is a crazy myth - we are getting colder, not warmer! To accident damaged me, anything below 20 degrees ninimum sends me scurrying for my oil heater! I am stunned when every year, Spring officially starts on September First, but in mid September it regularly snows up at Nkandla (just inland from Eshowe, that you can see the lights of from Mtunzini) and up at Melmoth!

Historically, the first battle of the Anglo Zulu war of 1879, was fought at Nyezane, a site that you can see from the war memorial graves at Gingindlovu! Nyezane is only a few hours cattle trek up the hills from Gingindlovu, so when it snows at Nkandla, it gets really cold here - too cold for me! Makes me wonder how comfortable the Anglo troops found war in Zululand! They arrived in mid summer - from mid winter in Britain! They had to march in heavy uniforms! Not surprisingly you seldom see photos of fat soldiers! What energy they did not burn off with excercise, they must have sweated out. They were fighting against native Zulu's who wore only skimpy loin cloths! If anything they could not have sweated bullets, as ammunition was at a premium from the word go! :-)

Watching DSTV, they mentioned the existance of "Land Bridges" like they believe existed across the Red Sea when the Israelites walked across to the promised land - on dry land! If a land bridge existed in the Middler East, what are the chances that a land bridge was how man moved from the Americas to the rest of the globe? Alternately, they walked across the polar ice cap! At least they were not of the opinion that man developed in Africa! Just near Johannesburg is a site called "the Cradle of Mankind!" I think that someone made existing evidence fit in conveniently with their view of how mankind evolved! They expound on the activities of dinosaurs, that have remains dating back millions of years! What then of the truth contained in the Old Testament? If we believe that - and I tend to do this more - then the world and mankind can only be a maximum of 6 000 years old! I fail to see why Heavenly Father would create something imperfect and let nature take its course to modify it to what exists now!

Call me crazy - millions do! - but I believe what I believe! Try though and explain that to the scholars?

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