Thursday, July 15, 2010


I received a reaction from USA Green Energy Group, commenting on my blog where I commented on my beliefs about Global Warming! Usually Zululand is really warm, but the day I drafted the comment, it was really cold here! I even had to wear a jacket - which only happens about once every other year!

For Zululanders, it must be cold if everyone around is wearing jerseys and the beaches are deserted! I have a friend who farms up at Hlobane, near Vryheid, and he agrees with me - it is too cold for him if the temperature range is predicted to be lower than 20 degrees (celsius) minimum and 25 maximum. Freezing point is 0 degrees celsius.

20 degrees celcius is 68 degrees farenheit, and below that figure, my accident damaged muscles really complain! A thought crossed my mind "Where is Global Warming now?" When it snows in the Cape (1400 kilometers away), it gets really cold here in Zululand! At the coast, the minimum temeratures often exceed 20 celcius in mid winter. I grew up in what was then called Salisbury Rhodesia, and it got cold there (colder than Zululand) but never actually snowed. True that was north of the Tropic of Capricorn and I live some 11 hours drive south of the tropics. At school we learned, that is called the Temperate Zone. It very seldom snows in the tropics (maybe on high peaks) In fact it does not often snow in Zululand, but I seem to notice "cold" weather more since 1992, when I was run over by a speeding truck! The muscles and joints that were damaged then, are more seriously affected now! When they are cold, I can barely walk - even badly as I do!

My blog is my way of offloading my personal thoughts, and in no way am I intent on changeing anyone elses outlook. The scriptures say that we have our agency - freedom to think and act as we see fit! People have their own inalienable right (agency) to believe in Global Warming. Surely I then have the agency to query "modern theories" on Global Warming - especially as it directly relates to ME!

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