Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Only in Zululand

Only in Zululand do they put in a "speed calming bump" then decide to dig it up, so that there is a dip left. If you go by the road past the Port Durnford Chapel, they dont ever bother to fix the mess - at least have not done so for YEARS. It must be an employment opportunity thing! If they employ someone to do something (anything?) it does not matter what - build a traffic hump - then a month later, they employ others to dig it up, then in the future they will need to employ someone else to fix the road. What an immense waste of time, money, effort and materials! Then they claim that there is no money to fix roads that desperately need it!

Typically, if you are employed to dig up a hump, it does not matter if you destroy the road! "It's not my job to fix the road!" - no wonder the goverment is constantly claiming to have run out of money to "fix" roads! Then they spend billions on new bridges for the Soccer World Cup! Really - where are their priorities? Then they have the cheek to turn round and blame "The previous white apartheid regeime!" Technically the previous regeime was not white, so how long will it be that we whites are blamed for non action! Then there is a hue and cry because I am African (born in Africa) although I am not black. I cannot even claim to be native, since I was born in Sinoia (now called Chinoye), although I am a naturilised citizen.

You can see from this picture thed wing mirror covers that I got to support the Soccer World Cup! I do not support Bafana Bafana, but am proud of my country, so have SA flags on my wing mirrors!

Last time I went up to the Reserve with Christine, she complained that we had not seen a Giraffe before lunch! However we came across this sight - mid morning!

True enough, this Giraffe was not going anywhere in a hurry, but was until not that long ago, a real live Giraffe. Lucky for you, this is not scratch and sniff, because the rotting meat smelt foul! It had probably been killed the previous day, as what meat there was around, was crawling with maggots. You can see vultures doing what vultures do best. When we came across the carcass, you could not miss it for 2 reasons:-
1. Vultures were all around - on the road, on the carcass, in trees - everywhere - hundreds of them! I have since driven down this road to see if I could locate the bones, but as they say in Mexico - "Nada"

2. The road went straight past the site! This picture was taken from my Opel and not from my serious offroader! You can see how close it was to the car! We were kind of held up by a passing tourist who was blocking the road, so that we could not pass the stench in a hurry!

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