Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Life in the Zululand fast lane is definitely not the same as the fast lane in large cities! It compares kind of like a dirt track to a national freeway - at rush hour! I find living here easy and very laid back, whereas when I go to a larger city, life is way too rushed. The locals talk about concepts like "Zululsnd time" and "Mormon time" and the way I see it is, there is normal time, then way slower is Mormon time (they dont start Sacrament until 5 to 10 minutes late!) then Zululand time meaning if it (an appointment or a party) start this century, why be in such a rush!

What is a scream to watch is when a Stake meetings we wre invited to in Durban started 5 minutes late (City Mormon time), Richards Bay (Zululand) generally arrived 20 minutes late! The huge kicker is they thought that they are not only on time, but early for the meeting!

Johannesburg is the worst, when the drivers there push your car around if you dont drive exactly as they do - 120 km/h in a 60 zone. Even when you are stopped at the red lights, they park so close behind you and get seriously irritated if you dont lay 2 black lines on the road surface every time you pull away. Dont get them started by delaying your pull away! I have never seen such gestures waved at me before! You cannot hear them (Thank heavens) but you cannot mistake the hand gestures or the mouthed insults! Also, they get really irate if you actually stop at a yellow robot and dont go through on the red. I was taught that yellow means slow down and red means stop. To them, green means Go, yellow means Go Faster and red means Stop - if you absolutely have no other choice!

Strange thing when they come on holiday to the coast, they still get upset at driving country style and you just want to stop and shake sense into their obese - bloated - bodies!

My head shrink (extremely attractive as she is!) is of the opinion that I suffer from a "startle response!" Startle me (by hooting at me etc) and I tend to lose it! Once I was crossing a roadway - IN A PARKING LOT - and some creep dared to hoot at me! I lost it, and kicked his car! I bet he will be more accepting of disability now! Sure the impact of my shoe made a noise - which shocked him - but there was no dent! It is not as if I did not have right of way! Typically he had GP numberplates - resident of Gauteng, home of way too many cars!

When I visit the Johannesburg Temple in Parktown, I often say that there are 2 great things about Johannesburg - the Temple, AND the road home! Where I live, if the road past my home is busy, 2 cars a DAY pass my home - and both live in my garage usually - a yellow Porsche and a V8 Landrover.

My Landy is brilliant as it is HUGE by any standard, and no-one dares to be annoyed at it! They realise that I can slip it into 4 wheel drive and drive over them without batting an eyelid! I probably would barely even notice it, especially as it has bush bars on the front, to push trees over with impunity!

I was once stuck in a traffic jam in Sandton (Johannesburg) for 2 hours. The sight of a "quiet" road with all 4 lanes, 2 going and 2 coming, really made me grateful that I dont have to battle like that every day of my life! It kind of saddens me that this is how the mother of my daughter wants to live, and bring my daughter up to "fit in' I see that if the world does not like the way I act, they can go elsewhere! Long ago, I felt the urge to live my life on more or less my terms! Dont try to push me to do anything I dont want to do because I can be a rock if I set my mind to it! True enough I can be reasonable (What???) but push me a little further and you will find out what I am capable of!

When I was married, my ex suggested to me that she would not want divorce if I too were sleeping around, but she caught the wrong end of a divorce order! I have never been tempted to sleep around, and am happy that the LDS Church agrees with me! Goodness, that is one of ther reasons why you are married - surely? The biggest shock at Divorce is again having to go out dating! That concept scares me! What scares me more is what percentage of unattached women out there are looking for a physical relationship before they have an emotionally stable relationship! I suppose I am one to talk here! I married the first woman that I seriously dated, and look what happened - the Big D. Still it does suit my lifestyle! I have never been a party animal, and I dont believe that it has done me ANY harm whatsoever!

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