Thursday, July 22, 2010


I know that there is a huge effort against global warming, but in the usually hot and sticky Zululand there is NO EVIDENCE of Global - or at least local - warming.

If I need to get warm, I fire up the heater - true it is not your average bar heater, but is an oil heater! Still, it uses Electricity - so called clean energy - but the generator is probably a coal fired one somewhere (Ermelo way?) Being coal fired, surely producing green energy (electricity) is in itself a source of carbon dioxide. Thank Heavens coastal KZN is a high density farming area - either sugarcane or Eucalyptus Saligna (Gum) trees, that are farmed usually to be cut up for Mine props, or even to be pulped for paper!

Question arises, do you get warm, or do you "Go Green" and freeze! Funny thing is that if you freeze, you go blue rather than green!

Also the air here is far more dense than it is on the Hi-veld (Gauteng way!) so is better for you! I have heard runners in races down at the coast saying that they dont need to breathe - the oxygen is absorbed normally through the skin. I dont like Johannesburg for several reasons, amongst them:-

There is no oxygen up that high
The air is dirty grey in colour - from the pollution from cars and factories
There are WAY TOO MANY cars around. Where I live, there are 2 cars a day that pass my home - and they both live in my garage! In Johannesburg at rush hour, you get a 20 kilometer traffic jam - 4 lanes one way - on the freeway!
After I was run down by the bread truck, I suffer from what I have been told is a "startle response" - where I react to unexpected noises - cars hooting - at me! - etc!

The best things about the big city are:-
The LDS Temple in Parktown AND
The road home!

I just hope that soon enough, a Temple will be built in Durban. Sure it will be the second Temple for SA but a Temple an hour south, will be great, rather than 6 hours at least inland! In the Salt Lake valley, there are many temples dotted around so if you drive across Salt Lake, you get to see many temples! Even in tiny little Britain, there are 2 temples in a close area - 1 in London and 1 in Preston, up near Manchester! A bit further away, in France there is another and I know of Temples in Switzerland.

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