Thursday, July 8, 2010

Another new day

Even retired and living in a village, the pace of life is HUGE. I would not change it for many bucks! (Antelope maybe but not your vile green cash representations!)

I was at my psycologist yesterday. She was trying to convince me that she can read people, but that does not surely include people who consciously do not want to be read! I was warned by someone important to me that someone else I know tells you what they think that you need to hear, no matter if this equates to the truth even vaguely or not! they have been doing this for decades, so even if they were aware of the facade they portray, do they even want to chabge?

I have arranged with the Missionary Elders that we go up to the Game Reserve on Monday! The 2 elders in Richards Bay are bringing 2 other missioneries with them, and have the Mission Presidents permission. The way I see it is, I really enjoy going up, but feel that it is rather selfish to go up myself, especially as my 4x4 is plenty large enough to take 4 Elders with. My Opel was however kind of small to do this, but my Landy is plenty large enough!

I will take the opportunity to install new batteries in my camera's and get some photos that are relevant to my site!

I am kind of stunned! Up to now, I have steadily been gaining weight. When I was run over (1992) I looked like a matchstick that had the wood scraped off! It was because I was runniong so much! What I ate was not able to stick to my bones as I was easily doing 5 kilometers a day as a casual run, just to clear my head. I loved the freedom of being on the road, and kind of maser of my own destiny! It was up to me whether I did a kilometer or ran to the fuel station on the corner and back (5 kilometers round rtoute! Even then I had the choicer of returning home or continueing on to do 10 or more kilometers!

That is maybe my biggest regret - since I was run down (by my own car) My muscles are spastic (dont react properly to brain stimulii) and the more excercise I do, the worse off my muscles cramp. I was medically advised that the muscles cramp up but release by only a fraction. They cramp up 100% when instructed - some times - but only release say 99% Then they cramp up 100% of this 99% and only release 99% of that. The residual 1% is just not cramped or released. Eventually the muscles are so cramped up, they are only operating at 50% or less! I found this out when I was convinced that my hip - damaged in the accident - was collapseing! To control this, I NEED to take a muscle relaxant tablet every day of my life! I am kind of forced to be hooked on a prescribed drug, so does that make me a drug addict? I have the choice of either taking the drug or having muscles I did not even know existed, causing me hassles.

Even with the medical attention, I cannot run! My brain tells my muscles to work, and there is a tiny delay in them doing so! The effect is that my feet seem to stick to the ground, and I felt like I was running off balance. Maybe it is my lopsided way of looking at things that does not help so much! Still maybe it is that I need to put my efforts into other things like I do! Your interests change as time goes by!

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