Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another new day - part three

Another new week is about to dawn on us! I am taking the Elders from Richards Bay and from Nseleni, up to the Reserve tomorrow!

I am looking forward to it for 2 reasons:-

1. I always love the Game Reserve(s) especially since I bought myself a Landrover Discovery 2 - V8 auto! I feel kind of superior to anything else on the roads - except maybe a bull elephant! From the 4x4, you look down on any cars passing from the other direction. Maybe it is wrong to feel superior, but Heavens Above, I do!

2. It gives me the chance to photograph my car - as it were - in its natural habitat! In my Corsa, you could barely see over the soil turned up from when they graded the road, but from Princess Leia (Star Wars reference) you look down on the tops of the trees as you pass!

Apart from anything else, the motor is plenty large enough to run a powerful airconditioner - maybe incongruous in a Game Reserve, but I really enjoy it!

I usually get the Missioneries to pray for us to see leopard, but in the last 25 - 30 years, I have only ever seen one! Chances are that it will be another quarter of a century before I see another - hopefully not though!

I have also taken snapshots of the ex bumps in the road! Strange thing is that the dirt roads in the Reserve are often in better condition than the tar roads! The road past the Port Durnford chapel is not great - a series of potholes joined by a lacework of tarmac! - and it really needs a 4x4 to go there! 4 months ago, I had a District Speaking assignment out there and I took my 4x4. 2 months previously I took my Porsche and swore(???) that I would not punish Blondie like that again!

I am kind of anticipating seeing lion tomorrow. Generally I see lion about every 3 months, but the last time I saw lion, I saw pretty well a years rations in one swoop.

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