Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sundry thoughts cont

I really enjoy my blog - especially as I can rant and rave with no way for others to tell me to shut up. If they dont like what I blog, they dont have to read it! In the meantime, I get to offload my thoughts and ideas.

I was highly amuzed today! Where I noted before that "they" dug out the speed bump and left a ditch, today they actually re-tarred the road - quite well as it turns out! The ex hump and recently a ditch is now smoothe tar!

I was at a business today when I noticed a pool of water beneath my 4x4. I opened up the bonnet (hood) and immediately saw a clamp that was not tight, and water was bubbling out! I tightened the clamp, and it appears now - after a trip to and from Empangeni - to have rectified the slow water leak.

The last time it was looked at - because the motor tended to overheat - I queried whether all the clamps had been tightened properly? It is purely a chance inspection that showed me where the motor was losing water - sure it was not a lot, but I should not have to fill the radiator every day! It took maybe 5 minutes and an ordinary screwdriver for a retired accountant, to get the problem fixed! I firmly believe that I was inspired to look under the bonnet to see the minor leak. Even as a retired pen pusher, I could fix the "problem"! Even if it is not completely fixed, I know where the problem of losing water, lies!

On Sunday, I saw a pipe from the radiator overflow bottle, leaking! I found that I had not tightened the radiator cap properly, and a small amount of water was escaping past the "O" ring on the radiator cap! I have been troubled in the last month or so with unexpected overheating of the motor, and I pray (earnestly!) that I have solved the problem! If I have, then it is no thanks to me or to the BMW trained mechanic! (my 4x4 was built by Landrover whilst BMW owned the franchise!

The V8 motor is still the same as Leyland used to fit to Rover V8 cars! I was amused when my Mom saw a new Porsche on the road. Her comment was that it looks the same as an Audi! Not surprising really, since Porsche Designers are not very ambitious about startling new shapes and at one stage, Porsche were owned by Audi!

In fact, as far as I am aware, when the 911 was developed by Porsche, the franchise was owned by VW, so not surprisingly the 911 looks like a suped up Beetle - engine in the back! The show "Top Gear" on BBC Entertainment is not exactly overenthusiastic about how daring the Porsche designers are! Even now, a new 911 looks not that far removed from a 911 built in the early 70's! Blondie looks like a proper Porsche - a family resemblance to it's smaller brother - the 924 - but with far more macho bumps over the rear wheels! Even the big brother - the 928 - does not look that startlingly different to my Blondie!

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