Sunday, July 25, 2010

Latest - Sunday

Today, I was discussing my situation with a member at Church. She pointed out to me that Christine really loves me - all the signs are to the effect that she is jealous of attention from other ladies! When I was speaking to Breeze Stander - a divorcee at Church, Christine was apparently shooting daggers with her eyes - at Breeze!

That amazes me since I am of the opinion that my ex was keen on pushing Breeze and I together! Shows that my ex's taste is not my taste! I was never attracted to Breeze, even though she seems to be a nice enough lady! She is just not my sort of lady!

I have to find a companion without Christines involvement. I understand that my ex's second marriage did not survive partly because Christine was putting the husband through hell! I have the opinion that Christine really wants me to remarry her Mom. That is kind of impossible because I am not the same man who married - or even divorced - Michele, and she is no longer my kettle of fish! We were never so compatible, but I have definitely outgrown my ex!

I am not happy to have my partners chosen for me! I am old enough - I think - to choose whom I want to spend my eternities with! Having barely survived divorce, I can sense who I really DONT want to be involved with! I do believe that I have been told that she who is in my cross hairs, is going to be the next Mrs Steve Killick. Hopefully, "next" equates with "eternal".

I know that she is scared of marriage, but I hope that I am not in the same class as her ex husbands! I even look different. What drives me is not what drives them. I only hope that she will see this soon!

I learned a lot from the Conference, that explains what I need to do to keep things moving ahead!

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