Friday, July 9, 2010

Another new day - part two

I am aware that my daughter (Christine) has returned from Canada. I was fair enough to give my ex permission to take her overseas - although it was with much being heartsore! This was the woman who broke our marriage covenant(s) :-
One in the Church building in Pinetown THEN
For Eternity in the LDS Temple in Parktown.

What can I expect in return? I get ignored and still have to be here for when Christine decides she needs to talk to me! I just know that if I treated Christine like she treats me - only prepared to talk when it is convenient to her, her ex sep father, her school or her dog! Where on this list is the man who gave her life?

In the first civil ceremony, we covenanted to marriage "until death you do part! "
Then we were sealed in the Temple on the first opportunity - after 8 months or so of marriage. It was the first chance that I had to attend the Temple, take out my endowments and we were sealed for Eternity!

Something that I discovered was that since we were sealed, if our marriage was dissolved, then I could be sealed to a future companion, but my ex was only entitled to be sealed once unless she applied to be sealed to another! This sealing is done under the authority of the Priesthood. My ex was sealed to the Priesthood that I hold, as was my daughter.

My ex needs to have her leg of the sealing cancelled, to be sealed to another. I looked into getting our sealing cancelled, but for me to do this, I would cancel my sealing to my daughter! Sure I dont get to do the same fun things that my ex can do - swanning around the world - but I know that I will be sealed to my daughter - for Eternity!

The thing that really worries me is that my relationship with my daughter is badly dented as of now, but if she is not able to come to me, how can I fix things with her? There are 2 sides to our relationship and I am only one side! I get the impression that - like most kids - she is attracted to where the most money is spent on her, and not where there is love! I dont even know if she truly understands what love is? Her parents are divorced, and apparently so are the parents of ALL of her class mates! I grew up where parents were married and divorce was an unknown 4 letter word! I dont think that any of my school mates were from broken homes! Strange that things can change so much in 30 years, where 100% of the class are from divorced parents. My ex is hardly teaching by example - she is on to her 3rd marriage! Divorce is shown by her to be the solution to EVERY problem, and the concept of give and take does not exist!

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