Tuesday, August 31, 2010

End of Winter - officially but not in practice

So today is the last day officially of Winter. Traditionally spring starts tomorrow - 1st September. Historically, September is by far our coldest month, when it snows up past Melmoth and out at Nkandla, not far from Eshowe. In the Southern Hemisphere, our seasons are completely opposite to the Northern Hemisphere!

It always snows in the Berg in September, and there is a rash of reports on the news of either:-
Hikers freezing to death when hiking in the Drakensberg (Dragon Mountains)
Informal settlements burning to the ground because the residents insist on lighting fires in their homes to keep warm! Trouble is, if one shack burns up, around 500 others catch light!

I usually hate the cold weather, when my muscles tend to freeze up (not literally, but it feels like it!) and I can barely move, let alone walk!

The Elders at Church both are raving at how great the weather is for now - warmish days and cool nights. The temperatures are not low like they can get in September. I stand by my conviction that:-

September is by far our coldest month
February is - by a long way - our most uncomfortably humid month. October is pretty well our warmest month, but February is way more humid!
April heralds the best month of year here - not hot, not humid and definitely not cold!

Mtunzini is a great place to live! I had a reservation for dinner for 2 at a local restaurant - Zanj - Arabic for East Coast. I have eaten there before and the food is so well prepared - always! It is not that expensive, so is really worth spoiling someone special - and they dont come much more special than me! :-)

I required to change the reservation from Tuesday to Thursday, and it was no hassle - even though I had some difficulty in speaking over the phone! In Johannesburg they would have slammed the phone down on me as soon as they heard I have a speech impediment!That is why I moved from Johannesburg - there the pace of life is so fast that no-one takes the time to try to understand me! Where I live now, is way more laid back! Zululand time makes Mormon time look lightening fast!

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