Sunday, August 22, 2010

After Church

At Church, I have been prompted that this is the season for future (not so distant) weddings!

Breeze came back from Johannesburg with a fiancee in tow! No date for their mareriage has been announced generally yet, but he has been called to the District Council, and I am aware that the District President was not ready to call him to the District Council, until this week, because it was not sure that he was going to stay in the area! I recommended that the District President inteview him and see what the complete story is! This weekend his name was sustained as a Council member!

The Elders Quorum President went to dinner with me. Whilst he was eating, he commented that he had met an interesting woman. She could not attend the YSA dance as she was busy repairing her car! How many single woman can maintain a car?

By all signs he is smitten, and this weekend he went down to Durban to see her! It was really funny to see that he worked like a man possessed, so that he could leave the Helping Hands function quickly and vanish to Durban.

The only concern that I have is that she lives in Durban and he lives on a farm between Ulundi and Vryheid! When I was dating my now ex wife, she lived at Mtubatuba, an hour north of where I worked, half an hour north of where I lived!

My relationship with the woman in my cross hairs, is moving towards where I can propose - which I really want to. I have found an engagement ring that I would love to give her. We are going down to Durban this week, and last week, I could not make our wednesday appointment, and she was really depressed. I had a chance though to prove to her on Friday that I am no ways like her ex husbands. I believe that I am inspired that she will be my wife - soon, although that is a concept that I feel, the Lords time bears little resemblance to our time!

I knew Michele for 2 weeks before I got engaged (maybe I should have taken more time, but at that point, Michele was the best for me! She only changed after I had been accident damaged. Without her, I would never have fathered Christine. I fail to see that my marriage to her was a mistake!

We are going to Durban this weekend, and will manufacture a reason t raise the question of marriage - even eternal marriage. She is reluctant to commit to marriage - I think - because she has been so badly treated by her ex's! I have shown her that I am different, I hope she realises that I am going to be married to her for eternity! I also want to tell her that she can be sealed to her father, whose death really upset her!

She is reluctant to commit to an LDS way of life, but I truly believe that she will be a member - soon! I truly believe that she is thinking along the lines of marriage, but her failed marriages have kind of scared her off of the idea of marriage!

I know that it is ideal that a Mormon marry an LDS member, but I have done my bit for my eternities, by being sealed for all eternity, even though my ex saw that 5 years WAS an Eternity. I need only temple marry her, for her prime benefit, although, I do want it to last longer than 5 years! Anyway, we will see this weekend!

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