Friday, August 13, 2010


Today has been non traditional Zululand weather! It was really warm in my Porsche on the way into town, to see my headshrink! I enjoy these visits, since I am in need of a way to keep from going insane! I lost so much when I was run down that I am terrified of developing post accident trauma. I am amazed that I have recovered so well, so much so that I feel that I can cope with how the crash left me - even if I am not happy with my disabilities! Beats the alternative hands down!

I am happy to report that I am losing something that I really do not regret - bulk! I fitted into a pair of longs today that I last managed to do the buttons up on - 2 years ago! Just proves that you should never really dispose of much! I gave away a lot of really good clothes when I could no longer do the buttons up on the belt! I thought that I would never again fit into them, but they were only 1 size smaller than I am now! I have - in the last 3 months - lost 2 sizes of longs and to fit into the next size down will not be too long now! The biggest problem is that my suit is now kind of too large for me! Rather that, than it is too small! I feel kind of healthier, although initially I believed that I could never fit into my smaller longs again! Now I have to think of who to give my new jeans to, as they are WAY TOO BIG for me! I can fit into my denim jeans again!

I am generally happy to live in warm Zululand, and even though it was warm today, I (and many others) are of the opinion that traditionally September is by far our coldest month! Usually it snows up at Nkandla, just west of Eshowe, that you can see from Mtunzini at night - and at Melmoth, about 75 - 80 kilometers west(ish) of Empangeni. When it snows there, it is really cold in Mtunzini.

I still get cheesed off when perfectly able people are so lazy that they park in the Disabled Bays at the shops! I am often prompted to approach these creeps and ask them if they want to be disabled, because I CAN arrange it, but I dont recommend it! I then get to hear how they are entitled to park there because they cut themselves shaving that morning! I usually respond that my heart bleeds lumpy custard for them! Unfortunately sarcasm is lost on most of these specimens! That is vwhy I display disabled parking stickers in both my windscreen and the rear window! Then those who drive behind me know that I am legally entitled to park in these bays, even if they think that they should park close to the shop doors, instead of me!

I still query the facts behind the "theory" of Global Warming. I still think that it is a plot by someone to force mortals to part with hard earned cash! If you believe the theory of the Ice Age, we MUST have been warming since the Ice Age. Try to make them believe that the Ice Age is only a theory, not supported by conclusive evidence, and you get shouted down! Personally I believe that any Ice Age was well before the space debris was organised into the world we know - maybe from previous worlds, but I fail to see that Heavenly Father would make attempts at creating worlds that need to be modified - by climate! There again, that is just me! Do I believe a "theory" as opposed to biblical evidence?

I also tend to query Darwins "Theory" of Evolution. If Heavenly Father is all powerful and all knowing (and I see too much evidence that He is!) then why would he need for His creations to "evolve?" I think that someone dug up "evidence" of evolution and made them fit comfortably into the "theory"! But then, that is just me! Adam looked the same as Heavenly Father, and is no different to man today! The cavemen that are so hairy are maybe portrayals of beings that used to inhabit the "matter unorganised" (Genesis) that was used to create the world we inhabit now! Hair is THE first thing to decay, so it is unreal to assume that "cavemen" were so hairy! That was what Darwin thought! Why then are his ideas and theories taught as being absolute truth?

Sure in summer, we get warm here in Zululand, but since I have lived here - 30 years or so - the temperatures are no hotter than they used to be! Sure when we first lived in Zululand, it got hot, but it was an unused-to benefit for us to go to the beach after work and cool down! Maybe we are more lazy as time goes on, but we dont often go to the beach anymore, and even if we go down, we tend to walk along the beach, not go swimming anymore! In fact when the sun goes down, it tends to be kind of comparatively chilly!

In fact I think that when it is so warm here in February, we moan about how hot it is, but I believe that it is no hotter than it ever used to be! In fact, man is so used to the idea that he can modify the climate (airconditioners etc) that he thinks he knows better than He who created us, and has become so powerful as to modify the climate around us! It may be getting warmer, but it must have been, since the Ice Age! Why is man, suddenly so intelligent and powerful that he can modify the climate to his detriment? What of the idea that a Supreme Creator would create something that would kill the other creations on this planet?

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