Thursday, August 26, 2010

Am I crazy?

Many - including my folks - think that I am crazy! In Sunday School, the class was asked "Have you ever seen an Angel?" and the teacher fully expected no-one to respond affirmatively. I said "Yes - I date one!" and the teacher - and her grandmother, both immediately said words to the effect of "Crap - that does not count!" If they dont want to hear the answer, dont ask the question! How basic is that?

I believe that when I was ordained to the Aaronic or Preparatory Priesthood, I was told that I was entitled to the ministering of angels! What gives the teacher and members of her family the right to say that I could not have seen an Angel! I was promised, and believe that this promise was not just so many words!

In fact my friend ministers to me constantly, and I call her "Angel" I get the impression that I am her angel! She signs off Emails in a way that indicates to me that she sees me as way more than a friend! Hopefully soon, there will be 2 members of the EQ Presidency who are engaged, or newly married! In a small branch, there are then likely to be 3 male members who are either engaged or newly married!

At the moment, I am suffering from a fairly heavy cold, but today I feel better than yesterday! When Di saw me yesterday, she was distressed thar I would not get to go to Durban on Saturday with her! I feel better today than I did yesterday!

It was heartwarming to see how distressed my angel was when she thought that I could not go down with her - and it has nothing to do with the fact that I said we were going in my 4x4! The roads there are so wild and woolly that a full on 4x4 is needed!

I should have plenty of photos to spruce up my blog!

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