Friday, August 27, 2010


Looking out of my windows, I can see the Indian Ocean - brilliantly blue today! It makes up for the way I feel today! I have just gotten over a cold - first one that I have had for years - literally! My nose started dripping two days ago. I felt kind of grim until I went to the chemist. He sorted me out with a vitamin type tablet and I think that maybe I was kind of run down. I kmow how that feels because I HAVE been run down before - literally!

I have to take so many tablets now:-
a muscle relaxant to ease my cramping muscles
a tablet to stop the flow of STUFF from my nose
tablets to improve my natural resistance
tablets to ease the bee venom that even now tends to cramp up my arm muscles (luckily I dont need these as much now!)
Pain killers if the cramping muscles get too sore to bear!

In case I am stung again, I carry capsules that reduce the effect of bee venom, so I can get to the doctor and he can inject me with adrenelin! I honestly felt after I was stung that my muscles all over were shutting down. I could not breathe or even see properly, let alone stand!

Still, I am reasonably healthy. A huge benefit of thousands of bee stings, is that I am diabetic! How is that a benefit? I no longer consume sugar in sweets, sugar in my Milo (hot malt chocolate drink!) or even in fizzy drinks. The benefit for me is that I have lost 2 jeans sizes in 2 months, and even my current jeans need a belt to hold them up, or else I will be wearing them round my ankles! It will not be long before I can trade down a further jeans size! This is a positive thing - I think!

What I see though, is that 4 years ago, I gave away around a dozen virtually new longs, of the size that will fit me in another 2 weeks or so! 12 longs at R 120 each - minimum, is R 1440!

Still, you should never look back with regret! I gave them away because I needed the space in my wardrobe - AND I was convinced that I would never fit into them again - ever!

Goes to show that ideally you should not give ANYTHING away! The only upside is that someone (12 someones actually) needy benefitted from my longs! I do however have a few jeans that are of this size.1 honestly felt that since I cannot stress my muscles out, I would never fit into them again!

Secret is that when I was run over, I suffered from minor brain damage, where the connections between my brain and my muscles was broken. My muscles cramp up more or less on demand, but do not release completely. They then cramp up completely, and dont release. I even at one stage had to see a specialist to sort out where I thought I needed a hip replacement! I need to take a tablet every day for the rest of my life!

This is however only a minor invonvenience compared to moving through the Vail - permanently!

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