Saturday, August 14, 2010

What a feeling?

I am stunned that I feel so great! I have found that I am more able to create DVDs from my recordings of films and shows on DSTV, than is Christines sciense teacher at school. He thinks that it is impossible, but I have done it, so I know that I can. I have found that my DVD Recorder is set up in such a way that it records anything that is fed through it! As a result, I can record films and programs on my HD PVR decoder, and then I can record what I choose to, onto DVD discs! That way, I can be sure that what I record is at least clean viewing! If there is bad language (an odd swear word in the right context is maybe OK) or I just delete the recording! I have found that some films swear a lot, and if so, I delete it permanently! The downside of reviewing what I record to DVD before I do, is that it takes some time to watch the show, then record it! I know that my DVDs are clean! If a film is advertised as anything exceot Age 13 restriction, I choose not to watch it! I rather enjoy the Disney type films that are lacking in bad language, and the violence is not excessive!

I have maybe 9 or 10 episodes of "The Green Green Grass!" that I recorded from BBC Entertainment. This is a great series, with wicked British humour - that kind of speaks to me! I grew up with really clever British humour, and what I find hilarious, goes right over the heads of most people! When I watched "Johnny English" I was doubled over with laughter right throughout the film. Most of the other patrons just looked down their noses at me, but I hardly cared! I was enjoying the film way too much!

I have a wicked collection of DVDs of films that I really enjoyed when I was at school - films like Monty Python - the feature films rather than the half hour TV shows! Another DVD that I wanted but could not find anywhere is "Little Shop of Horrors" that again has humour that most people do not enjoy. I found a copy of the disc in Cape Town, and no-one borrows my funny DVDs. It is like my set of DVDs of the entire 6 films in the Star Wars set! Even now they have not released a set of the entire 6 films. Mine is kind of one of a kind set!

I dont enjoy sci - fi films but Star Wars is classified as Space Fantasy, rather than Science Fiction.

It reminds me that I HAVE walked - or rather skated - on water, or to cease exaggeration, frozen water! Still, it was water - even though it was frozen. I've done it, so anyone can!

When I was doing it, I was kind of like Peter on the Sea of Gallilee, when he too walked on water, and only started to sink when he realised that common belief is that you cannot practically do this! I spent the first half an hour clinging to the barriers, then got confidence and managed to skate! We used to throw a party in celebration of the fact that we could skate without support after a half hour or so, hanging onto the sides! We used to really enjoy these outings - especially after I learned to drive and we could take Fred - the black car - across town!

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