Monday, August 30, 2010

Another new week 2

This week started out great. Yesterday, I got an annointing and a blessing at Church from the Priesthood, that gave me the strength to cope with the severe cold that I developed. The blessing worked, just as I thought it would! I feel way better than I did yesterday!

Also included in the blessing was something that I really did not expect! I was given the spiritual strength to persue my dreams! I am aware that Di feels more about me than she wants to show, and that maybe I have a huge advantage in a proposal. I have proven that I am way different to her ex husbands! The first abandonned her and I know the second who leaves much to be desired in his views of the world. Where he failed to be concerned about his kids, I was in a position that I could help out. We have a dinner date (yes - it is an official date!) at a really special restaurant.

I know that with 2 failed marriages behind her, she is reluctant to commit to a further marriage, but I know within myself that we CAN make a marriage work. I also truly believe that when I was praying about a wife in the Temple Celestial Room, I was told - by name - that Di was to be my wife! I sense that this will not be just for mortality, but for Eternity!

I even have an idea of the ring that I want to get her! Hopefully, it (or it's twin) will appear on her finger soon. I know that the Branch President would freak out if he knew that I am looking outside of the Branch to find a soulmate. The 2 other couples found their future spouses - 1 in Johannesburg and 1 in Kloof - down near Durban - in the Church, but I feel that the local stock of women is rather sparse! There is Sheila (who is a lovely person, but is definitely NOT my style, and Mary, who is probably pushing 70! Other than that there are teens and younger! I have "met someone" who is ideal - my age - and who will eventually be a great addition to the District in Zululand! I truly believe she will be a great member - and a great spouse!

One huge blessing is that she has only known me AD, so cannot compare me to the BC me - something that Michele could! I think that she felt embarrassed by how the accident that robbed me of so much happened, and was not happy that the accident occurred because she hit a pothole and blew out my tyre. This was why I was changeing the spare wheel when the bread delivery truck slammed my car into me. How many out there can claim to have barely survived bread rolls? Either that or to claim that their own sports car ran them down!

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