Saturday, August 7, 2010


This morning was really heartening! The registered followers of my blog has doubled - from 1 to 2. I understand that there are other followers, but they have not registered!

Tomorrow (Sunday) I am on assignment, attending Port Durnford sacrament and giving the final talk on behalf of the District Presidency, since I am the senior member of the District Council.

I enjoy the prospect of talking as final speaker. When I was Final Speaker at Nseleni, the first sp;eaker carried on for about half an hour, so I had less time to get my message across. I gave my talk and was told that it was clear and hard punching! Drafting a talk on a given subject is a mite easier than deciding what to talk on! I have the task of talking io on "the Law of Tithing" and hopefully the message wil sink home! The best thing is that because I pay my tithing, I have been really blessed, with a Porsche AND a Landrover 4x4! When I drive on the roads, I can look either COOL or WEALTHY! I dont complain though. It is way better than looking like a pauper! You can see this and not only hear it - both are SERIOUSLY GRAND to listen to!

One of the members of Richards Bay really wants me to give him my Porsche, but I tried to tell him that there are 2 reasons that I cannot do this:-

1. I was given it as a gift, so if I give it away, then what does that say about
my gratitude?

2. There is no chance that he could hope to keep it on the road:-
a - it is too expensive - new rear tyres cost me R 3 000 EACH
b - the car would not handle the farm roads where he lives - way too
low sprung!

There is another member who says to me "Where is our car?" but he has no hope of ever getting into and out of the Porsche. Anyway, it is a reason for us to communicate and in fact to joke about it!

On Monday I and 2 missionery companionships are going up to the Reserve. I intend to go through Hluhluwe Reserve, as I found out last time I was up there, that meals at the restaurant at Hilltop Camp serves affordable meals! It used to be a carvery - eat all you want to - but it was really pricey. Now however you can order burgers and toasted samwiches off of a menu - way more affordable!

Since I was so badly stung, I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, so I have kind of sworn off of heavy sugar things (chocolates, cokes etc) and as a result, have dropped 1 longs size, and in fact my longs tend to fall off of me! I have had to buy belts, to hold my longs up. I truly think that it will not be too long before I need to shop for longs 1 or 2 sizes smaller! Bugs me that I gave away about 8 pairs of longs when I decided that I would never fit into them again.

Just shows that you should never say "NEVER" because anything is possible! The biggest problem is that my suit longs fitted me well, but now are way too loose! On TV you see programs where the current fashion is to wear your longs so low down that you display your undies! That is the opposite extreme of not being able to do the buttons up! I can feel that my hands have lost some bulk and my legs are starting to look kind of scrawny!

Maybe if I lose enough weight, I can start to run again! The loss of my running ability hit me at least as hard as my lost ability of free speech!

In our meeting on Wednesday evening, the one Counsellor on the District Presidency was killing himself laughing at me! He was stunned because I had made an impassioned plea about something and he was laughing with surprise that he had clearly understood EVERYTHING that I had said! I was querying the calling of visitors to callings in the branch, since their records are not yet here! Turns out that they CAN be called, as long as the BP has the authority to call them from their Bishop or Stake President! The existance of such permission will be sought on Sunday! The concern arose because I had not included them on the Home Teaching list, but they are not yet members of our branch, and officially cannot hold down callings! I had a thought that maybe their callings were an act of desperation rather than inspiration!

You live and you learn! Di learned something on Friday from me! She has a Blackberry cell phone, and I commented on the Qwerty keyboard layout, and she asked "What is that?" Turns out that Qwerty (first 5 letters on a standard keyboard) has become a generally acceptable word - in the dictionery - that can be used in Scrabble! Di was stunned that I would even know that! I may not be that young anymore, but I do know some things! Helps to have computer experience, which Di does not have! She is however LOVING the useability of her new cell, with it's Qwerty keyboard.

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