Saturday, August 21, 2010


I received a message from a friend who indicated that I should not limit whom I date! I know what I truly believe that I was inspired, and I dont want to put my inspiration under scrutiny!

I believe that although my target has not said "yes" yet, more importantly she has not said "no" - I truly believe that she realises that we will end up as a serious item, but the idea of another failure in the marriage stakes really terrifies her! I still feel that I have been prompted that she is destined to be my spouse!

I know that my parents dont want to see me marry her, but I think that I know best what is for me! I also have faith that Heavenly Father wants to see me married to her!

On DSTV at present is a program where they refer to the "threat of Global Warming" and I truly believe that Global Warming is a money making rip off! If we are supposed to be warming up, why is it so C-O-L-D in usually pretty warm Zululand! It is as if Global Warming is a complete myth! I hardly think that Heavenly Father would create a species that could change His creations! Sure man thinks he is bright, but how bright is it to panic about the earth being destroyed by Greenhouse gasses!

As far as I am aware, the main culprit of Greenhouse gasses, is Carbon Dioxide. The main cause of Carbon Dioxide historically is the burning of wood. Fires produce Greenhouse gasses - in fact man breathes out greenhouse gasses! Does that mean that as soon as Adam lit a fire so that he could cook his supper, he was the first man to contribute to climate change? This supposition pre-supposes that Man is more powerful than his Creator! Boy are the teachers of this concept in for a HUGE shock when they meet their creator, and one day, we all WILL.

I was amazed yesterday to see that my brand new DVD Recorder cost me so much less than my first one cost me - purely because of the leaps in technology! My first one cost me R 4 500, and the use I have gotten out of it, makes the cost really worthwhile!

Unfortunately it is suffering from age and the stress of coping with power fluctuations/failures. It can record 2 films and then destroys the disc. I bought a new one yesterday and it cost me less than R 1 300. When I first bought a DVD Player it cost me somewhere in the region of R 5 grand, but now you can buy a DVD player for under R 500. My neighbors were moaning that their Video Cassette Recorder is now completely obsolete as you battle to find a video cassette any more! Reminds me of when I was first married. We bought an Elton John LP record. Christine says "What is that?" as by the time she was born, you could not get a record disc for love nor money! When I was at school, if they had said that one day music albums would be on a tiny, shiny plastic disc and you could only play it using a laser disc! Back then, a laser was a sci-fi dream only shown in films like Star Trek. Now it is an every day - and cheap - thing! In fact I can buy blank DVD discs for under R 5 each - around 50 cents US! The first computer I was aware of, covered 2 floors of a downtown office block that covered 2 city blocks. Now you have way more power in your palms when you hold a Blackberry cell phone. Not only is this a phone, but it has a QWERTY keyboard AND a camera! In fact I have a cellphone that is a heap of maps - and it works - although sometimes my inbuillt manpower GPRS works at least as well! The one benefit is that the satellite watches my speed and warns me if I have pressed too enthusiastically on the loud pedal! When it is on, someone IS always watching you! Is this a good thing? Sure, I get to argue with it, without the risk of a black eye for my disobedience. Sometimes it insists "Turn left here - NOW" when I am aware of a faster route. I could sense an icy chill (where is evidence of Global Warming here?) when it had to admit "Recalculating route!" and I was not lost! Sometimes real men dont need to listen to the GPRS as much as the inner voice! I am also glad that it has no fists, or else I would probably be sporting a shiny black eye, right now!

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