Yesterday I was in the Reserve with 2 sets of Elders - those from Richards Bay and those from Nseleni. These are some of the sights we came across! It was really cold with a mean breeze blowing!
Where is the proof of Global Warming? Zululand has never been so cold! Global Warming is a myth as far as I can see!
As we came round a corner in the road below the Hilltop Camp there was a burnt area on the lower side of the road. In this ditch was a really large specimen of a bull elephant! Usually large elephants are not that peaceable, and I was reluctant to just drive past. We were stopped and the Elephant climbed up the bank and onto the road. He turned and walked straight past the car - not 4 meters (12 feet) away. I was watching it to see if it was peacefully walking past us, and there was no indication of it being upset. I was too scared of what it would do, to search for my camera and take a photo of it! It ambled past not 3 meters away, and you could clearly see that it was dirty from the grass fires that had gone through recently! Usually an Elephant is grey, but this one was black from the soot!
I need to find out if the Elders who were with me have photos of this specimen and see if I can get hold of one!
At present, it is again as cold as anything here! If we did not live in Zululand, you would swear that it was about to snow. It never snows at the coast, but it does snow at Nkandla, about 40 - 50 kilometers inland from here and also up the Melmoth Pass - about 70 kilometers away if you go in a straight line up towards Melmoth. I have seen the lights of Richards Bay - and of ships waiting to dock in the harbour - from the Pass at night! In fact I believe you get better sea views in Eshowe and from the Melmoth Pass than you get in most of Richards Bay.
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