Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yet another Perfect day!

This morning looks like yet another a typically brilliant day - the sun shines from an entirely clouless sky - you cannot imagine how blue, the colour blue can get! Because the sky is blue, the sea is also blue! I saw the Irish Sea when I was taken to Blckpool from Manchester, and that was kind of grey and uninviting! The bluest I have seen the sea is in the Cape Province where the beaches are white and the sea is blue, although it is very cold! Tecnically it is influenced by an ocean current from the antarctic, so it is pretty well melted ice - and it feels like it!

In Zululand I overlook the Indian Ocean, which is about 10 degrees warmer, because the ocean currents flow from the Indian Continent down past the Equator to the southern tip of Africa.There at Cape Point - no word of a lie - you can see that on the west is the cold Atlantic Ocean and on the east is the much warmer Indian Ocean. If you had to take a kettle full of Atlantic water, one of Indian water and boil them, the Indian Ocean one will boil first!

Another thing that amazes me is that At the coast water takes a lot longer to boil than it does on the Highveld (at the Temple - because of the altitude there! Tea (herbal tea) is also much hotter at the coast than it is on the highveld! This has something to do with the air pressure, which is relatively higher at the coast.

I feel that on the Highveld I battle more to breathe as there is relatively less air to breathe - let alone that what air there is, is polluted by factory discharge. Flying into Jo'burg, you can see that the air there is brown from factory discharge and from home fires lit to keep you warm! I am happy at sea level, where I hardly need to breathe - the oxygen in the atmosphere is kind of absorbed through my skin by osmosis! I wil say that when I was so badly stung, I was ventilated in hospital with pure oxygen, and I felt good! What was worrying the doctor most was that I was seemingly unable to breathe properly without the oxygen, but that turned out to be a problem with my drip! It was forcing fluid into me that my body could not expell. My diapram was distended from the fluid in my body! Only when I refused to allow the nurse to put the drip in again was I able to be "normal" or as normal as I can be - which is not what some would call normal.

I felt that my skin was bloated, and that it was the drip doing this! I felt impressed that my rising blood pressure had pushed out the drip needle. The needle popped out and my blood pressure started returning to normal. When I refused the nurse permission to connect up a drip to the needle that was put back into my wrist, she was not happy - and you could see it - but it was affecting MY body,so I felt that I was in my own rights to refuse permission!

When the nurse tried to put the needle back in, she had no end of trouble in finding a vein to insert the needle! My veins had vanished in the bloated flesh of my wrist! It took a few days for my flesh to return to normal - or at least as normal as possible! Strange that someone with no medical training - me - can be correct about my own body! Just shows me that I CAN rely on my promptings.

I also was mysteriously having problems with the cooling system on my 4x4.(I was prompted to ask the BMW trained mechanic (BMW owned the name "Landrover" when my 4x4 was built)) but he obviously did not do that. When the motor was warm, I noticed a pipe bubbling! Turned out that the clamp was tight, but not tight enough! My car was losing a tiny amount of water as it ran. Anyway, I tightened the clamp up and - touch wood - the problem has been fixed. So much good for heeding promptings! it also proves to me that I must have not done so much bad recently because Heavenly Father still feels it right to inspire me! True He was not a mechanic but He inspired the design of the cooling system. Why did He inspire it to be so complex? There MUST be a reason, even if it was to allow me to realise that I need to follow promptings!

I know that Di - and my folks - think that this is a bit "out there" but I am comfortable with my beliefs!

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