Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday 5th August

Amazing that we are already in August! Feels like yesterday that it was Christmas and already that occasion is only 5 months away!

Yesterday I took my parents down to Pinetown to visit my aunt! I input her address into my GPS phone, but it was not neccessary, as my parents knew the way! We had a great visit - mainly because my other cousin - who also lives in Pinetown - was not there! Strange to say, she acts almost like a black hole for emotions and dominates all and any conversation, usually turning it to how well her kids are handling life! Strange that some kids can be absolutely perfect! I never really liked these kids who are seen by their Mom as near perfect!

We had my GPS turned on, and it directed us there with no problem. It is great to have a female voice who knows (instead of THINKS she knows) which way to go! Amazingly men CAN find their way, even if the wife says "Turn here!" and our inbuilt GPS (instinct?)kicks in - every time we sit behind the wheel of a car! Historically, who designed cars - Women? No ways! Men MUST know more about directions than women do!

In fact, who were the explorers who found their way into the dark continent - note - NO MAPS! - and they were not that "lost!? For years, I was married to a woman who thought she was the answer to all map problems, but she did not have a patch on a GPS or even the superior inbuilt GPS that males are inordinately born with!

There have been occasions where I have taken heed of my promptings and turned where maps advise it is not adviseable! I have NEVER been so lost that I needed to do what women feel is the answer - and ASK! Ask any male and he will tell you that there is no need - EVER - to ask! We KNOW, supported by our inate GPS ability - go figure!

Seriously though, maybe we men dont look like a woman, physically different, but there is something in our brains that does not exist in a female brain! New technology calls it a GPS but real(????) men call it instinct - no need to ask, we KNOW!

I cannot remember the last time I was "lost" , and to tell the truth, do we actually HAVE to remember? A map is only an indication of where men have been before, so we are never so lost as to have to stop and ASK! Maybe we are blazing a new trail to somewhere - ever thought of that? Wives with the maps dont think so, but turning down a lesser used path has not killed that many men, but probably an equal number - at least - of women!

When Lewis and Clarke crossed America, Sacajeweya (the American Indian woman - probably not spelt correctly) had a map - and they did not(?????) Whose names are remembered most? Go figure.

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