Monday, August 2, 2010

Hard Physical Work

This morning, I was busy relocating my caravan to the caravan park - where else? I have not moved it since I was attacked and stabbed. I was kind of stressed out as I was convinced that I would scrape the jockey wheel over the sleeping policeman. These are speed humps on the road that are designed to help reduce speed and in the Park where I live, are intended to divert the water flow in a rainstorm.

If rain flows off of the main road, straight down the slope and through the park.
Anyway, the task was accomplished around lunchtime! I spent the morning cleaning the caravan, then I towed it down the road (maybe a mile or so!) I was terrified that I would tear the jockeywheel off on a speed hump. I had to be creative with mechanical problems but it worked - more than you can say about me! I feel as able as I did after I ran my one and only marathon!

My mechanic friend (neighbor) would probably be grateful to have the chance of earning cash.

I found that it was very satisfying to achieve something - not that I want to be this exhausted again!

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