Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Car repairs

Some of you may recognise the name "Ritchie Ford"! They are the agents for Land Rover, and my Landy needed attention to the exhaust system. It should have taken 3 hours to fix yesterday - 7:30 am till 11, allowing half an hour for cooling time of the exhaust! Anyway, 6 hours later, I enquired what was happening, and the Workshop Receptionist admitted that one of the half trained monkeys had broken a part. It had to be sent to the engineers to be fixed, and at 4:00 it was not yet fixed.

Anyway, I was given this car as a loaner - a Ford Focus auto! Great car but it really is NOT my choice! That is why I drive a Landrover, or if I feel like it, a Porsche 944! On the road, other cars tend to stamp their superior size/driving prowess on the traffic flow. In my Landy, you sit well above the general eyeline of other drivers, and no-one dares to take advantage! If I dont like them, I can slip my Landy into 4 wheel drive - and go over the top of them!

I also love the V8 motor! Plenty of power, to do just about anything - including go over the top (literally) those who are not very road friendly!

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