Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday with clouds

Amazingly, November this year is rather colder than it has been for probably the last 2 decades! As I have blogged before, where is the phenomenon of Global Warming? If we are warming up, why is the temperature at lest 5 degrees Celsius LOWER than it has historically been!

That tiny fact - combined with my belief that our creator would never allow Man to become so powerful as to change the weather patterns - lead me to believe that Global Warming is a theory - myth if you like - and is not forgone fact as the world leaders would like us to believe!

I know that theory started off where the world was covered in ice. What then of the Global Warming since then? If the ice caps are melting, why are we getting colder in Zululand! If anything, it is only that we are warming up from the Ice Age! I personally think that this is a figment of someones over active imagination, generated so that Man is terrified out of his wits by something he has no control over. I suspect that this pleases Satan because we are worrying about Global Warming, so much that Heavenly Father takes a back seat in our consciousness! Now THAT is a theory! - probably with more than a hint of truth!

The theory of Global Warming falls into the same category in my (accident damaged to be sure) mind as the Theory of Evolution. If we 'evolved' to cater for environment changes, why have we not started to develop webbed feet, to cope with the supposed rise in the sea levels when the polar ice caps melt!

The latest evidence of insanity that I have seen on the BBC, is that there are men who are actively searching for other worlds to populate! What gives them the right to think that I believe that my life is so valuable that I need to flee this planet - at huge cost? How are these facts going to be explained in the theory of Global Warming? They are facts to me! Also why is someone elses theory more important than my "theory"?

When Geoffrey Shuttleworth went on a space jaunt, I think it cost him $ 2 million. Does that mean that you can only escape this world if you are wealthy? I was born in Africa, and am glad that I was. Africa is in my blood, and that is not because I have been stung by thousands of bees - IN Africa! The venom of African Born bees, is in my blood - or at least the anti venoms that were created when my blood acted on these venoms, are.

Strangely enough, where I was stung on my right arm, is still painful sometimes! Before I was stung, I experienced no problem in my muscles, but I am not imagining the pain - not that it is sharp pain, but a mildly irritating inconvenience - that will NOT go away! Is this pain a theory? No! You try living with it and then decide!

If man is worried about theories like Global Warming, why does he not do anything about the really poor of the world! They live in squalor with grocery bags - usually plastic - blowing all over the place! This is evident in places like South America (watch "Around the World for Free" and see if this is true) or India (Slumdog Millionaire shows this!) and it is evident that the really poor are more concerned with feeding themselves, rather than being ecologically sound in how they live! Is this a bad thing? Maybe if you waste more food than would feed them for a week, but they cannot afford Garbage Disposal units! I dont even think that they would dispose of any food!

When I was on holiday in the USA, my brother took me to a restaurant where the food on the plate was enough to feed an emerging nation for a week! You eat till you are full, then send back plates with food on! What happens to this? - it goes into the Garbage Disposal and is minced up before it goes down the drain! The average family in Darkest Africa or India does not see that much food in a week, let alone throw it into the disposal system! Just goes to show you where our values lie - depending on what surrounds us!

Amazes me that USA scientists are anxiously engaged in proving that the globe is warming up - when they waste enough food to keep an emerging country alive - and flourishing! That is not to say that I disagree with the wealth of the First World, but I get quite animated when a Third World country (South Africa) is crazy enough to think that they are First World! Trouble is, they spend like they are First World citizens, but they clearly live in third world conditions! Our President (Jacob Zuma) is happy to delude himself that we are First World, because he spends so much time out of the country, that he thinks that we all live a high spending lifestyle! How can he decide that we are First World, if he is never at home! That being said, the poor of SA are no where near as badly off as the poor of India or even South America!

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