Monday, November 15, 2010

Game Reserve

We managed to get up close to a number of animals. Typiaclly, before lunch we were in an area that is heaviy greened - plenty of green leaves behind which the animals hid! When we arrived at the Hilcrest camp, we had seen little of the abundant game. Some got up close and we managed to get really close to some game!

Here is a crocodile sunning himself on the rock. Unfortunately it is pretty well the same colour as the rock! In the water (out of shot) is a rather larger crocodile.

The entire Missionery Force in Zululand were there. Here
at a waterhole, they were sitting looking over a waterhole that I last saw water at around a year ago.

Even Dung Beetles are protected game here! They (2 of them) are rolling a ball of Elephant dung. Wha amazed me was that the dung was fresh enough to roll into a ball, but the Elephant were nowhere to be seen!

Everywhere was a lot of water. It was a great sight, as the last time I was in the Reserve
it looked kind of drought striken. Until lunch we did not see a lot
of Game as the bush was kind of green and leafy, superb
for hiding animals! At the Main Gate, we had stopped for
the Elders to go into the toilets for a desperately needed Pee break. Whilst we were waiting, just behind us, an Elephant trumpetted. 3 cars and 15 eyes had drive past this area
and seen nothing of Elephant. It never ceases to amaze me how something as big as an Elephant can escape detection.

I had wanted to start my blog with this, but I found out that the way blogging works is that the first photos downloaded are pushed back by later downloads. You need to plan your blog, so that the first photos you want on the blog are the last ones downloaded! No big problem though, as I can blog meaningfully (at least for me) no matter which way the photos are included in the blog! I have learned something more!

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