Friday, November 5, 2010

Life can be challengeing at times

Even as a retiree, life can be challengeing at times. I am battling with a female member of the branch at present. As far as I understand, she is of the opinion that:-
She has been a member for a long time
Her Son-in-law is the District President
Her Grandson is the Branch President
Her other Son-in-law was the BP when I was baptised.

She thinks that her word is the end of sayings, and she refuses to accept Priesthood Authority from anyone outside of her family, and even then, she still tries to make the life of her long divorced ex a misery!

I know that when Michele changed her mind from seperation to divorce back a few decades now, she was living under the same roof as this member. I know that I was inspired to go through with the divorce, to shut up my ex who constantly harped - vociferously - on the subject, but did nothing. I was scripturally entitled to my decision to go through with Divorce and even now, facts that support my actions come crawling out of the woodwork!

That floored my ex who never thought that I had the guts, and I think it secretly angered this member, especially as a friend of a friend told me a few days before the final court appearance, that Michele never actually wanted Divorce!

I had a disagreement with this member, over what I thought was a fairly small action. I was inspired as a Priesthood Holder to do something that really upset her! She complained to the BP who spoke to me and that should have been the end of it. It was for me at least, but it appears now that she has gotten the District President involved, and because she received no satisfaction from him, has gotten the Mission President involved! The Mission President is coming up on Sunday to see if he cannot put a lid on it, but I fear that she will take things further, to the Area or to the Quorum of the 12, or even the First Presidency!

The huge problem for the Branch President AND the District President is that she is family, and by all reports is making their lives a misery!

I just wonder how she will feel when I move from Senior Council Member to District or Stake President? Maybe I wont get there, as I understand that the Branch President is starting to come apart at the seams and I wonder what lies in my future! Branch Presidency of Richards Bay?

Anyway, Sunday is the BIG 5 - oh! The senior Missionery couple are coming out today to see where I live, and to take me out to Zanj (the best restaurant north of the 5* Royal Hotel in Durban) as a celebration of the fact that I have hit mid way to a century old! I consider that I am fortunate, since:-
I nearly died in the accident of 1992 that left me disabled
I nearly died when I was attacked and stabbed
I nearly died when I was so heavily stung by thousands of bees! This is the only time when I could feel my life draining away! They do say that when you are dying, your life flashes before your eyes. Whilst I was nearly dead, my life did not exactly flash - at least not the fun parts! - but I was never so grateful as to see the doctor with his luvverly bag of divine drugs!

These scrapes with death have made me realise that I have an unfinished mission in life to fulfil before I die! I sense some of what this is, and I look forward to these, somewhat in trepidence and somewhat in gratitude! I sense that I still need to complete this mission. I just hope that it includes marrying a faithful wife, promised in my Patriarchial Blessing! I am working on this, but is it hard enough?

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