Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thought provoking Emails

Today I received 2 brilliant Emails. One was on what students feel are the 7 wonders of the world! One student had the right thought! It is absolutely true that some wonders are present for most, but are not even considered.

For me, my MVA accident of 1992 "robbed" me of 2 things that I realise that I never felt grateful before the accident for, but not being able to do anymore now, really miss!:-

The blessing of being able to breathe easily! I realised after the accident that free speech is not just a political advantage, but a physical thing! The average human does not even think about this! Drives me insane (kind of) when I can see the youth give their testimonies at the Pulpit! They mumble and speak so badly - and fast - that you can barely understand them. Try offering them a free donut, and they can clearly be heard to say "Gimmee", although they revert to their mute normal as soon as the time comes to say "Thanks!" Because I have a diaphram that refuses to do what my brain tells it to, I battle to breathe properly, and hence speak badly! I freely admit that before I joined the Church, crowds of more than 1 person terrified the living excrement out of me! Now I realise that behind the pulpit, the congregation is kind of captive and you can say what you feel impressed to, and they are highly unlikely to spit on you or worse, tear your head off! It has been YEARS since anyone was killed behind the pulpit!

Drives me nuts to see the youth (13 - 18) drag their feet! I feel like laying hands on their behinds and saying "You can walk! Walk properly!"

The other Email that really amused me was one that warned that a cold winter was predicted because the squirrels were gathering nuts! 3 of my friends have vanished, so have they been gathered and stored for winter?

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