Monday, November 29, 2010

More comments

Yesterday, I was assigned as First Speaker in the Sacrament meeting in Richards Bay. I had drafted a talk on my computer, but purposely left it in my car! I managed fine with no promptings, and amazingly enough I spoke clearly and confidently! People commented to me on something that was raised - ie that I think thare are 2 great things about Johannesburg. 1. The temple in Parktown and 2. The road home! I felt that I spoke clearly, and that the congregation, even in the back, heard and UNDERSTOOD me!

On wednesday I am on my way up to Mooi River, to collect Christine for her holidays! She is spending 2 weeks with me now, then going to her mom, and coming back to me at the end of her holidays!

This kind of bugs me because I gave Michele permission to take Christine to Canada and she (C) has not been to my home since Easter. I give away my time with her and what do I get in return? A kick in the teeth! I feel sometimes that I am not considered by her mother to be more than a sperm donor! I know that one day Michele will have to answer for this, but - like Di - is this coming soon enough?

She (Di) is having problems with a cowardly bully - her ex - who is causing her trouble! I said to her that if he touches her again - he bruises her by manhandling her, not that he is a man - I will personally string him up from the nearest tree by his family jewels! He must not think that because I am disabled, that I am scared of him! I survived a speeding bread truck, a stabbing and a swarm of angry bees! I can survive anything he can throw at me! I MEAN this!

His abuse of her, indicates to me that he is having troubles with his wife, who by the description of a lawyer friend, is a "psycho-bitch". Michele thinks that she is so magnificantly built that all men worship her unconditionally! It really shocked her when I instituted the divorce she constantly threatened that she wanted, but it turned out, she really did not want!

I knew that I had grounds for divorce and was prompted by the Spirit to institute proceedings! That took the wind from her sails since it completely eliminated the threat she thought she held over me! I have never felt happy at not being in control of my life, and I know that Michele did not take this into account! I still get the feeling that she has not forgiven me for showing that I have a backbone, and she - maybe a bit unconsciously - makes choices that really hurt me! Typical bully, the hurts she inflicts are kind of invisible. Di's ex is clever at hiding the fact that he is abusive! That is a sure sign of his being a bully, and he is cowardly to boot! News for him is that I am not scared by him and he had better not cross me! Michele tried to bully me, and came really short!

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