Sunday, November 14, 2010

More blogging

Tomorrow, being their Preparation Day, I am taking the Missionaries up to the Game Reserve. I am loking forward to it, not more than the Elders! Amazingly the one looking forward to it the most is the one from Northern Africa somewhere (Kenya if I am not mistaken!) I kind of think that at home, he has virtually no chance to visit a Reserve, since ideally you need a vehicle, and it is not really possible to Game View from a crowded taxi!

Watching the series "Around the World for Free" where 2 people ventured from New York, with no cash in their pockets, and the most terrifying, they left their credit cards at home! I was floored when they visited Barrio's in Chile (or somewhere like that!) and it is obvious that the population there are really poor. It makes "townships" like Esikhawini, Port Durnford or even Soweto look positively affluent, even though there are quite densely populated areas!

I dont think that the natives of SA realise actually how blessed with fortune they actually are! All they can see is that I have 2 cars - a Porsche and a Landrover - and all they can think is "Why can you not give me one of them?" Secret is that not many can afford to run even my Porsche! Amazingly enough a Porsche 944 is less per kilometer to run than is a V8 Landrover. Actually I need a 4x4 V8 to transport 4 Elders in reasonable comfort to visit the Game Reserve. My Porsche barely makes it down my road without scraping all the way down. In the Reserve:-

1. You would stick on the middelmannetjie on the dirt roads AND

2. You cannot see across the grass to view animals!

My Porsche is purely my toy (I AM a Big Boy with a Big Boys toy) and my 4x4 is a DIVINE gift. I am spoilt because I CAN afford them!

I intend to take plenty of photos tomorrow!

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