Monday, November 8, 2010

LIFE this side of the big 5 0h.

Honestly my most life changeing birthday was when I turned 40! That is when I realised "Now it's getting serious!" I admit that at 40, I did not even think about 50! When I left school, 30 years ago, I never had it in my mind that I would be on the bright side of 50!

Sure time is rushing past faster and faster! Before you turn 5, a year took an eternity to pass, but now birthdays seem to come around all too soon!

I have also found that life after retirement is not so bad! I can barely comprehend that I would not be slaving behind a desk, but have the freedom to decide what I do each day. I am so thankful that I have a 4x4 in my garage. I know that this angers those "green energy" freaks! I still think that global warming is a complete hoax, and is a myth propogated by Satan to scare man into thinking he is more powerful than his creator!

People around me are generally making a bigger thing of my age than I do! Sure I look somewhat damaged (timeworn?) but honestly I am grateful to have reached 50, since at 31, I nearly did not survive a load of bread!

I also realise that on a few other occasions, I have nearly been written off, stabbed or stung to death!

We are supposed to keep a private journal, but I see it that if I write anything, I battle to read what I have written. Also what is the sense in storing thoughts and feelings that will only be read after you die! I have feelings now, whilst I am alive. What more can I ask than for people to see the inner me?

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