Thursday, November 18, 2010

A date with destiny?

Maybe when you hit the 50 milestone, time speeds up! Things seem to be kind of out of control. We should have District Council meetings every 2 weeks, but they seem to come around much faster. I think it must be because there is so much exciting things to do! Generally, me being retired, I only have Sunday committments for Church attendance, so I kind of live from Sunday to Sunday!

This week is kind of different because the mother of the EQ President celebrated her 44th birthday the day after mine, so we are having a combined party at the branch. At the party will be the Senior couple who took me to lunch at Zanj for my birthday, and my hometeachers who likewise took me to Zanj for Lunch. I am 50 and never before have I had a birthday last 2 weeks - not even when birthdays were special (before I turned 10!)

My most fearful birthday was my 40th. That is the day that I really felt that I was suddenly middle aged! I know that my ex wife had a seriously hard time reconciling herself to the fact that she turned 30! I think that this is a family thing of hers, since her Mom refuses to think that she is older than 25 or so! The way I see it is, you are as old as you feel. This is not a problem until you are 75, but dress 21! I really thought then "Now it's getting serious!" Middle aged was a fact, not some abstract concept!

You think I would be used to sudden changes in my lifes profile. At 31, I was run over and survived - albeit disabled - then again at 44 when I was stabbed - 8 times - and at 49 when I was nearly dead from being stung by thousands of bees! They say that a cat has 9 lives, but humans have only one! I have to feel that I am in my 4th or 5th stage of life. I believe that I have an idea of what the mission in life is that I need to complete! My Patriarchial Blessing talks of a faithful wife, and the woman that I was married to, was certainly not faithful! People say to me that I MUST marry a member of the Church, but I have been advised by the Area office, that I have done what I need to to qualify - at least in part - for my exhaltation. I will get a faithful wife, but dont exactly need to be sealed again to qualify! Sure that would be great, but to demand membership of a woman before I marry her, kind of limits my choices, especially in Richrds Bay. I truly feel that I have been inspired as to who the next Mrs Killick should be.

This inspiration was a surprise to me, one that I know will be a great choice. I need to get her to think that life with me will not always be disabled, in fact I will only be disabled until I pass into the afterlife. Currently we laugh together, and that must be a part of what the Lord intended when He made man - and women! That is something else that I need to convince her of - that there is a point to mortality, and that unlike Darwin felt, man did not crawl out of the slime and evolve! I have a serious hang up believing that we "evolved" and suddenly have the power to be able to destroy what our Creator made for us! Maybe if we have evolved, rather than being created as we are, then maybe we have grown enough in intelligence to be more powerful than God, but that is really a stretch of an overactive imagination - one that I am not comfortable with!

An idea that just occurred to me! If Man evolved, then why is he so similar physically to woman? Did we evolve at the same rate from the slime, only to fulfil different functions? Why are males so much better at driving than ladies? If they were not, how do you explain the fact that Formula 1 is almost entirely a male preserve, and that most rally champions happen to be male? This in no way is to give the impression that male is better - only different!

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