Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bad day at Black Rock?????

This morning, I was phoned by my daughter who was really excited. She wrote her Learners License and passed. Does that mean that now the roads are a mite less safe? I know that she had dreams of me collecting her from school next wednesday, putting "L" plates on my V8 auto Landrover and her driving home! The problem is that I need to collect her with my trailer in tow, and that in conjunction with the fact that she would have to drive on the freeway, means that it would be really scary for her! I only started driving on freeways after I had been driving competently for at least 15 years!

I passed my drivers test (not just my learners) at 17, and just after I had passed, we came on a caravan holiday to SA. Because I was legally licensed to drive, I helped in driving the car and caravan on quiet roads! I remember being pulled over by a traffic cop, out in the middle of nowhere, and asked for my license! He was stunned that this tiny school kid was legally in control of a Ford Ranchero (big at the best of times) with a large caravan in tow! That was before we ventured on freeways, taking back routes to the coast!

Since I first came to the coast via the N3 freeway - the one from Johannesburg to Durban - the freeway from Durban up the coast to Empangeni (N2) has been constructed. It is now under repair and sections are not at all desireable. It is not that easy to negotiate - even in a huge V8 vehicle! It can be really scary, even if you have had 35 years of practice. If you are brand new at driving, it will put you off for life! I know she drives on the dirt track to the beach, but the chances of meeting another car is really limited. The speedometer reads less than 10 km/h. She thinks that it is the same thing as a car doing 120 km/h, in 2 or 3 lanes of lunatics who by some chance, have licenses. What is really scary is that there are lunatics out there who have forged licenses and think that they are able to drive! What really scares me is that the average pirate taxi driver is likely not to be licensed! They scare me and I drive a really imposing vehicle that NO-ONE pushes around on the road!

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