Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Are things looking up?

I had a message from my psycologist friend - whom I want to be more than a friend! It was not your usual message, but ended up "Drive safely my precious cargo!" Maybe I'm reading between lines that are not there, but I can see a glimmer of real hope!

Last week she showed me where her kids father had bruised her arm, and was swearing in such a way that an Army trooper would have been ashamed of the language! He thinks he is a tough man, but Ezra Taft Benson, a Prophet of the Lord announced that you become a man when you take your wife to the Temple and marry her for Eternity!
That makes me a man, even though my ex decided that I was not in the same class as the ones she chose instead of me! I still maintain that Real Men dont have to resort to foul language to impress or scare anyone and it is not necessary to physically harm a lady! That is NOT being a man!

I think that Di is starting to realise that I am not cast from the same mould as were her ex husbands were! They were/are not great people - #1 deserted her and #2 was - and is - physically and verbally abusive! I really think that Mrs Steve #1 realised this, but it was too late to change things!

My ex has the idea that she is so desireable (above other fruits?) that she can change the religions of her husbands. I was converted after she introduced me to the Senior Missionery Couple. #2 was happy to live in a state of ignorance and refused to comit to baptism, and #3 has told her outright that he will never change from being Irish Catholic!

She thinks that she is OK in that we were sealed, but this sealing is on condition of worthiness! I dont believe that after how she has treated me - and husband #2 - that she is worthy to be exalted with me. There is more chance of actual snow at Christmas here in Zululand, than of them qualifying for Eternal Marriage! I know that it will take some work for me to get there, but if I do manage this, I will never be asked to live for Eternity with someone whom I dont even like in mortality!

I have an impression that one of my acts that I need to do, is to marry a non-member and then to persuade her to become a member! By being sealed to Michele, I have opened the Celestial Gates, and since my subsequent divorce was not at my insiatance, so I will not be penalised! I dont need to be sealed to her in mortality as I have done what was instructed. I do believe that I will be sealed to a future wife, whilst in mortality! Call me crazy - my ex wife does, but it really makes no difference to me - or my Eternities!

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