Friday, November 12, 2010


Amazingly there are houses in exclusive areas where you can look down the garden and you cannot see the neighbours!

This is the garden of the Bed and Breakfast that Christine and I found recently just up the road (freeway) from the home of the Mission President in the Westville area of Durban. This home is on the edge of Pinetown. I am just glad that I do not need to mow the grass! These 2 views are from the verandah of the guest cottage of one HUGE home! In Esikhawini, they would have about 40 homes in this area! Whilst this may be a communistic view, it is admirable if someone has enough wealth behind them to own a home with such a garden! It is huugely peaceful to be in this area, where - like my home - only a few cars a day go past! This home is sited between the N3 freeway to Johannesburg and the N13 from Kloof to Durban. Both freeways are busy, although maybe at this end of the year, the N3 is busier!
I have found that December is THE best time of year to visit Johannesburg, since the infuriating crowds are all down at the coast and Johannesburg becomes almost a ghost city! In Mtunzini, it is THE worst time of year, as even the disabled parking space - only one in the village - is invariably occupied by a lazy beach dweller! They are so lazy that they cannot walk a 2 parking bay distance! For goodness sake, I did not choose to be disabled! Drives me to drink when I cannot park in MY bay at the shops - and I dont even drink! I get kind of possessive sometimes.
Not so long ago, I was with friends in Nelspruit where the Pick and Pay is in a HUGE parking lot. The disabled bays are right next to the entrance AND are covered. When I parked there, my Bishop friend said in amazement "You cannot park here!" until I pointed out that legally, I can! My psycologist admitted that she used to park in the disabled bays at the local Spar store until it dawned on her that I am disabled and by parking there, it was likely that I had to walk far! I have had serious words with some creeps who park there because it is raining and hey dont want to get their hair wet. I have had one who complained that she could legitimately park there, because she had a splinter in her finger! Big Whoop! I often ask them if they WANT to ber disabled, because I could easily arrange that, although I would not recommend it! Disability will not go away, and they dont seem to care! One creep was so abusive when confronted, that he was verbally objectionable and all he got for his trouble, was a shoe impression in his door! I was incensed by his attitude that I kicked his car! Maybe this is not a christian attitude, but maybe the next time, he will think twice about parking in a disabled bay! I kicked his car more for others than for me, although I did feel better after I had kicked his car!
In Durban they lock the wheels and to release your car, costs R 500! This is donated to the Disabled Peoples Association, so it costs heavily to park in the wrong bays at the big centres!

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