Friday, November 19, 2010

Todays update

At our District Council meeting last night, I was given the assignment of talking at Nseleni Branch on Sunday. As a District Council we are instructed to talk on "Listening the Leaders of the Church!" Searching the topic in my Scriptures that are loaded in my computer, is a reference that includes the Millenium. It is important to talk on this subject because in a branch in the District, there is an influential member who thinks he can influence who is Branch President, almost as if the Church is a democracy! I have had run ins with one long time member who thinks that the advice she listened to when she was baptized, is still good today! The recent General Conference talk that stated that a living prophet is worth more than a dead one, seems to have gone soaring over her head!

She seems to be oblivious that I am one of the chosen leaders of the Elders Quorum, and she is not! What I have to say on the sunject of the Elders of the Church, is definitely of more worth than what she learned when she was first baptised a member, back just after the Ark beached!

It is interesting to see if some members who need to hear the talk that I am required to give, actually listen to it, or if they will continue to act as they have for so long! They - or more specifically, she - refuses to think that anyone outside of her family holds any Priesthood Authority in the Branch. Recently she acted as if she was the ONLY source of inspiration in he branch, and kind of dismissed me!

She was not happy to leave it as it was, and compleined to her grandson, the Branch President. When she got an unsatisfactory answer from him, she went to his "boss" - the District President (her son-in-law) - and when she got an unsatisfactory answer from him also, took it to the Mission President! She believes that what she thinks, is the Bee all and End all of Church policies. She refuses to listen to the Quorum of the 12, that said at the last General Conference that a living prophet was of more worth than a dead one! She cannot claim that the way things were done when she was first baptised, is the way it still should be done! I was inspired on behalf of one of MY quorum members and had to respond to this prompting! As far as I am aware, that makes me more a (living) Prophet to my quorum than she is - not that she is even a member of the Quorum! Try and get her to think that way will be a huge problem!

I sympathise with her grandson, and also her son-in-law who have to compete with her opinions on how the Church is run locally!

i also know that she threatened to resign her callings - as if that would force the leaders to comply to her way of thinking! I know that the WWoW (Wicked Witch of the West) whom I divorced, only started on insisting on divorce when she moved in with this member! As it is, I suppose I should be grateful to her, because if WWoW had not insisted on divorce, I would probably still be married to her! I suppose that WWoW may not be the kindest way to refer to my ex, but I can assure anyone that it is kinder to call her WWoW rather than what I would like to! Amazing thing is that I live on the East Coast, so pretty well everywhere is west of me!

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