Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another new day - part 3

I am the Home Teacher to Breeze Stander and Mark Swartzberg. They have a friend who lives with them, who came down from Johannesburg, to live at the coast - increasing the branch size by one! She expressed a desire to live in Mtunzini - something to do with the closeness of the sea! I do have contacts in the Estate Agency business in the village, so I emailed them to find out if property was available for her to consider!

It is the least I can do especially as I am Michelles Home Teacher, by virtue of the fact that I am Breeze and Marks home teacher!

One responded to ask if the Michelle whom I referred to them, was the same Michelle that was dealing with their letting department. They were unsure, as they did not know her surname or anything beyond the fact of her cell number and the fact that she had been referred by the lady who runs the Hearty Meal restaurant!

Turns out that this is a really small world because the first friends we had in the village were Vic and Orpah Harris. Since Vic passed away, Orpah has started the Hearty Meal. Michelle therefore knows people that I know! That makes this world tiny.

I also have found the blog address of the current senior missionery couple. They were talking of a Bed and Breakfast that they stayed in recently - Ltttle Haven, run by a woman who was recently widowed. When Christine found a bed and breakfast in Pinetown where a friend of hers was helping his grandmother out, had booked us accommodation. Turns out that this bed and breakfast is one and the same! That makes this tiny world seem even smaller!

I wonder if things happen by chance or if we are all interconnected by some
mysterious(???) force! Things that happen, do so for some cosmic reason - kind of like Karma! That way, things dont exactly happen by chance! I do feel that nothing exactly happens by accident.

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