Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New day - new month

Christine started her school holidays today. Here she is packing her stuff into my trailer. Goodness knows where she gets it from! She is at school throughout the year, and she has been at Treverton now for a few years. Thank heavens she is big enough to carry all the stuff she accumulates throughout the year! Last year I drove my Opel Corsa up to the school, with the Ventertjie trailer (Brand name for a small Venter Trailer)

The trailer dwarfed my Opel, and it was full up with all the luggage! Just about all the parents collecting children for the holidays had huge 4x4 vehicles with a trailer in tow, 95% of these made by Venter Trailers! Last year a parent said to me "Thank God for Venter trailers!"

This is the view from the car park at Lind House, across to the tiny dam on the property. This is where the Polar Bears Club does the weekly swim across the dam in mid winter!

The sign over next to the bridge amuses me! It indicates "No Hitchhiking" since this is a really dicey area to pull over and offer lifts! The road has been under construction since before the Soccer World Cup, and typically Africa, that has come and gone with no appreciable progress.

These were taken just outside Durban. Both show an incredible number of cars and trucks on the freeway! I have discovered that with a digital camera, I can take snapshots from the drivers seat, without it endangeing anyone! True enough it was rush hour - almost - since I was on the road at 7:30 am in Durban, and was in time to attend the school final prizegiving at 9:00 am - even a bit early! Christine was really surprized and pleased that I was there!
I hate - with avengance - heavy traffic and sights like this make me so grateful that I live where "Rush Hour"is when 2 cars - a day - drive past my home, and both live in my garage - 1x 4x4 and 1 x Porsche!

This is great for me, as I can take photos that can fill up my blog, without the expense of developing them, or the hassle of keeping them around! I still have to investigate downloading pages of my blog to CD Rom disc and freeing up space on my computer! As 'they' say, you should never stop learning! A year ago, I never would have thought that I would put my thoughts and feelings in cyberspace, but I love doing it, and maybe some of my thougts are "way out there" but I can get them off my chest!

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