Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday 28th Sept

At the moment, the weather is kind of cold! It is the end of September, but I kind of think that the rumours of spring are just that - rumours! On Sunday it was full on summer - temperatures in the region of 30 degrees celsius - 85 farenheit - but today is back to the very low 20's celsius - mid 70's Farenheight. To a true Zululander, winter temperatures are anything colder than 18 Celsius. That is just near freezing point for us!

I think in Celsius as when I was around 5, the dreaded 'They' changed from an imperial basis to a decimal basis! Freezing is 0 degrees celsius, and 100 cents = $1. Before that 1 pound was made up of 20 shillings (I think) and 1 shilling was made up of 12 pennies. In Rhodesia, 1d coins had a hole in the middle so that the change could be strong on a thread of string or leather and worn as a necklace! You could wear your wealth! Back then a penny was quite valuable, and 1d was able to buy a fair amount of stuff! Even once we decimilised, 1c would buy a kid some "niggerballs" at the tuckshop. It was only later that these "niggerballs" came to be known as "coloured balls" and went from the basic black to actual colours. It was not long before the mixed race people complained that the name was innappropriate, since they were officially classed as "coloureds" I remember when the first black pupil at my high school, went up to the tuckshop and ordered "niggerballs". The woman serving him collapsed laughing! That was well before racialism even became a word! What black gobstopper sweets were called was in no way racialistic!

Ever since the excess muscle damage (accumulated blood from the bruise on my leg) was drained, I do not get affected so much by the cold except that the scar - that runs from my knee to my bum - is kind of noticeable - uncomfortable, if not sore! So I traded a mass of dried blood and gunk for a scar! At least it is not as painful as the lump used to be! I can still feel that my muscles are not as smoothly operating as they used to be!

I wonder if this is partly the reason that my longs dress size has come down from size 40 to 36. If I had a heart, it would break that my suit longs need replacing now since they are only held up by the belt, and even then, not that comfortably!

I think my size loss is partly due to this, but mainly due to the trauma that I suffered by so many bees attacking me! The nett effect of this attack is that I dont get to enjoy my garden any more! I had the swarm exterminated and threw away the stand that the bees were in, and protected my property with a prayer, but I know that the bees are buzzing around the flowers in the Avocado tree next door. I know that the other side of my home, the exterminators removed another hive after I was hospitalised, but they missed the one where the bees that attacked me, came from. I could not believe how ANGRY the bees were when they attacked me! being less than able, I was unable to run away, so 'several thousand' bees swarmed and stung me in a suicide mission. I was not allergic before, but now am deathly allergic. If I am stung even once, the anti venoms built up in my blood WILL all kick into gear and it will be as if several thousand more have stung me! It is quite something to realise that effectively, I am allergic to me!

My EQ President was hinting on Sunday that I need to pass my suit longs on to him. Poor guy works hard for not a lot of cash, so he is grateful that I can pass my good longs on to him - the ones that are too big for me now!

He is seriously involved with a girl from Hillcrest, so getting to see her is a mite costly for him! I know that long distant relationships are not easy, but he sees her for a few days a week - either at her folks home or she comes to his home, on the farm - and stays with his parents in their home! When I got engaged, my fiancee (first time round) lived up near Mtubatuba, not that far from the Game Reserve entrance! I was not engaged to her for too long but I was employed as an Audit manager - qualified as a CA, so I had way more cash to my name than a farmer will have - and Mtuba is only an hour from Mtunzini, not the 5 hours it takes Theunis to get to Hillcrest!

With me now, the woman in my crosshairs lives in Empangeni, and that is an easy half an hour away!

I am planning on getting to see Di socially for the day on the 12th. That is 2 weeks away, but I get to see her on Thursday - as my headshrink!

I get the impression that her prior marriages have rather scared her! The first marriage, the creep abandonned her when she was pregnant (dont ask me why, because I dont want to pry) and her second divorce was - I think - because he was unfaithful. I have not met him, but he seems to be of the impression that he is wealthy, so the general rules dont apply to him! I need to convince Di that not all men are going to abandon her, or womanise whilst they are married to her! I need to convince her that I am nothing like her ex's - and dont want to be like that! I think she knows, but I still need to sit her down and point out to her that I am not like her ex's! In fact I am not exactly like most other males!

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