Monday, September 13, 2010

Registered Blog Followers

I am - as they say west of here - stoked! The registered folowers of my blog has hit a dizzying 4! I have had comments from some followers, that it is fun to keep abreast of the things that amuze me! As they say, tiny things amuze tiny minds1

I am more snap happy with my digital camera than I was before! I love the fact that I can snap away at anything, and then decide which photos to save and in fact, which to include on my blog!

I blog about whatever takes my fancy - as they say, tiny things amuse tiny minds!

I always have my digital camera on me, so I can take snapshots of things that amuse me! I see it that if it amuses me, maybe it will amuse someone else! If not, they are free to read it or not read it! If I dont put it down in print, then it cannot be read - or ignored! I want to go down to Durban in the next few weeks, but I am sure that Di will be restricted as to when she goes down! She is on her way back from an emergency visit to Johannesburg, and I am sure that this will have depleted her megre financial reserves! I would have taken her up to Johannesburg, but only found out she was going, after she had left! I could have chased her and probably caught her en route, but I have no idea how fast she would have been driving! How far would I have gotten without Milo?

Before I joined the Church, I used to have 2 cups of tea before I even opened my eyes! Then when I joined the LDS Church, I gave up tea - as they say, cold turkey! I was never a big coffee drinker. I now drink Milo (a delicious substitute) or if Milo is not available, hot chocolate! Still 2 - 3 mugs a week is hardly excessive, and I dont even like it to be that hot!

I understand that Rooibos Tea (a herbal tea) is permitted by the Church, but it is my opinion that it is still TEA and by drinking it, it is almost as if you are trying to bend the Church rules to suit yourself! Besides, I dont like the taste! When I have to order some, I usually have it black, but even then the taste is not my taste!

I dont feel that 2 cups a week is enough to make me fat! in fact, I am currently losing weight! I have given away my size 40 jeans and fit intio my decade old Size 36 jeans! In fact, if I dont wear a belt, even these are too loose on me! It wont be too long and I will be vack in my size 34's and that kind of upsets me! I rearranged my wardrobe a few years ago, and gave away some R 1 000 worth of Size 34 longs because I could not see that I would ever fit into them again!

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