Thursday, September 30, 2010

:-) Thursday

I feel that I am still losing weight! I am wearing size 34 jeans, and they are kind of loose around my waist! I need to go in and see to buying a pair in Size 34. The good news for Theunis is that I have 2 pairs of longs that may fit him! It is hardly as if they are old, but they are now way too large for me to comfortably wear!

Without a belt, they would grace my ankles. I can still see that I could stand to lose some more of my "love handles" (unused!), but I do feel that my weight loss is slowing down! When I married in 1991, I was wearing size 32 longs, and after my coma, I was wearing size 28. Admittedly then I was doing 5 - 10 kilometers a day roadrunning, but I cannot run as far as the gate any more.

Just as I came out of my coma, my ribs were sticking out! I think that at size 28, I was wearing longs that were the smallest that were long enough in leg length, to fit adults!

I saw the doctor about my general health and he was not overtly concerned, except he said that if I continue to lose weight, he needs to investigate why? I still feel that it is because I have cut sugar out of my diet! Strange then that I live where the BIGGEST economic activity is growing sugarcane You can always tell by air from Johannesburg to Richards Bay when you are flying over Melmoth area, because the forests of gum trees changes to sugar cane!

He mentioned that size 32 was where I needed to start be concerned, but I feel that my weight is settling down at size 34 longs!

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