Sunday, September 5, 2010


My faith(?) in humans - particularly the members of the Branch - was restored today! I attended a branch Council meeting and was horrified when a member of the Branch Presidency raised the question of the less affluent members who claim that transport to Church is too expensive, and what could the branch do about paying for them to be transported to and from Church, even though they live fairly close to the chapel. It amazes me that my EQ President and his family drive 3 hours just to get TO church. Other members drive 100 kilometers to get to church, and I drive a short 55 kilometers to get to Church. It is very few weeks - if any - when one of us is not there! Then there are members who cannot manage to get 5 kilometers to church! I question, where is their comittment? Also try to mention 2 other points to them and you only get blank looks!

1. A Prophet of the lord stated that he promised that the way to walk out of poverty was to pay your tithing! Amazes me that the poor members who dont come to church for reasons of poverty, are the first to complain that 10% tithing is too much to pay and their budgets dont allow them to pay tithing!

2. Something that I have seen time and time again is the equation - no input = nothing out! 10%, 100% or 1000% of nothing is still - youve guessed it - NOTHING! Amazingly the most affluent members of the Church were the ones who paid their tithing! Is this coincidence? I personally dont think so!

What also never fails to amaze me is that no matter how far over backwards you bend, these members are never satisfied! Trouble sometimes is the further you bend over backwards for them, the bigger target you present to receive a kick in the face!

Still that is the natural human response! "You are wealthy - where is my cut?"
Then they look at you sideways when you dont give them anything! I have had times where I have taken members to the Temple - at my cost - and they have not even offered to buy me lunch - or a cooldrink - let alone contribute to fuel! I never complained, but I bet they wondered why I stopped driving across town to collect them for Church! As I said, my faith in human response was restored! Those who refuse to pay tithing, were the first who expected a return from membership.

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