Thursday, September 9, 2010

The end of another perfect week?

As the week draws to a close, I am loking forward to some interesting days!

Friday - I get to see my headshrink - as a headshrink! AND
Saturday - I get to go shopping in Durban - with a clean slate on my credit card! I need 2 things ("need" is such a relative word!) - some spare Porsche brake light bulbs and a portable DVD player for my bedroom. I can burn my own DVDs on my DVD Recorder, but they will not play on my computer in my bedroom - I suspect because the DVD Recorder does not record in a suitable Windows format! I need to upgrade my Widows version. Besides if I have a portable DVD player that runs off batteries, then passengers in my Landy can be spoilt with DVD entertainment on the move! Maybe then, I can shoot DVD movies on my DVD Camcorder and watch the result on screen, before I start releasing my own feature films! I LOVE technology! I used to have a cassette camcorder, but donated it to charity when a client needed it, more than I needed it!

That killed 2 birds with one stone:-
I found a worthy home for something that I was not using (tapes are so cumbersome to handle!) AND
It was being put to excellent use, by a needy charity!

It was so big and cumbersome! My new DVD camcorder is a small thing!

On Saturday I and Di are going to Durban, and when we get back, are going to Zanj for supper - finally! I have eaten there and the food is as if it has been prepared by a 5 star restaurant! The only other time I have had a meal so memorable is when Michele and I went out to supper at the Royal Hotel, then to a show at the Natal Playhouse! If I remember correctly, it was Andrew Lloyd Webers "Evita" - within easy walking distance of the Royal Hotel.

The way I see it is, Di will love to eat out at Zanj - she enjoys Mugg and Bean where the service is more of a fast food style! Zanj is a quality restaurant, that is definitely not a fast food joint! The name is Arabic for "East Coast"!

I have recorded a film that is excellent - "I dream of Africa" that is a true life story of a woman who immigrates from Italy to Kenya! It kind of hearkens back to the typical idea that Americans have of Africa - lions off of the verandah and elephants in the veggie patch! I have seen elephant around 2 kilometers away from my home - up the hill, but these were tame elephants from the circus!

I find it hard to come to terms with someone constantly apologising! It is strange to me that someone who is otherwise completely in control of their lives, constantly has to apologise - Sorry for.... before anything else is said! Sure we live in a time of Instant messages, but how instant should the response be? I believe that otherwise confident people are suffering hangovers from previous marriages! How can anyone demand instant responses? Surely NO-ONE is THAT important! I know of people who think they are, but the more important they think they are, the smaller cogs they actually are in the larger scheme of things! I am speaking here of Di - who is otherwise very confident! She may take 2 days to Email - because she is busy! Big Whoop! I know that not everyone has all day to Email. In fact I send the occasional Email to my ex, and days or weeks go by without response! No skin off of my nose! I am retired, so can stand to wait a day or two for a response - especially if the other party is busy!

In fact the fastest way to send a message used to be a telex message, but they have not been used for decades - at least since faxes became commonplace and even then, a fax could get lost or mislaid! SMS is fast - but even then, can take up to 12 hours to deliver! Email is fast, but I wonder what is next on the list of inventions! I can Email across the globe literally, and can get an instant response - depending on the time zones! Who says that Email is the answer to messageing? They used to think that faxes were fast, and now they are more or less snail mail! It used to be that the fastest way of delivering messages was by hand, by flying across the globe! When I flew to LA it took 25 hours flight time. I think that if you had said in 1980 that satellites would exist - and in fact would be a household standard - you would have been locked up and they would have thrown away the key! Now if you cannot Email at least, they tend to look at you sideways!

I learned how to blog, but even this must surely, be old hat to some! When I was at school - not that long ago - if you wanted to communicate, you actually put pen to paper! I even remember using pens with actual nibs, and that was before they used ballpoint pens as standard. When I was at school, you could get inkwells for the holes in your desk! The use of quill pens was kind of in the past, but I remember having to refill my pen with ink into the cartridge! I even remember that I had a fountain pen with a gold plated nib! I also remember bored kids throwing ink soaked blotting paper missiles! Were those really the "Good old Days"?

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