Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fears of Man

Watching BBC Knowlege on my DSTV Satellite, I am HUGELY amused. On one hand there is huge fear that the world is warming up - Global Warming. On the other hand, the scientists who monitor volcanic erruptions are scared witless that a super-volcano is overdue to errupt, sending ash into the air, The fear is that we will be subject to Global Cooling! Sounds like you should panic if we are getting warmer and panic if we are getting cooler! Next step is just to panic because there is no change in weather patterns! What next? This hardly sounds like the influeces of our Creator! All that is being created is mass hysteria that we are getting too warm, headed for a mini ice age, or something! "If you dont panic, what is wrong with you?" I think that some force wants us to live in a state of panic, as if our creator has gone mad and is out of control! To me, this sounds like Satan keeping us involved in panic rather than communicating with our creator!

One thing that I am very happy about is that they are going to broadcast on one of the channels, the recordings of the trip made by Ewan Mcgregor from London, by motor bike from London to New York - East - the Long Way Round! I am very interested, since then I wil be able to see how they crossed from Russia to Canada. If they managed on motorcycles, surely it was possible to walk from America to Africa when the tribes of the earth were dispursed after the Tower of Babel!

It is hilarious to hear the theory that the Garden of Eden was in Africa, and man started out in Africa and migrated to the rest of the world! I think that it is 'politically correct" to believe that man descended from Africa! Strange then that when white hunters arrived in Africa, the most advanced discoveries were grass huts, not your average brick built splendour - with accessories like running water and housing for garages!

Something that I think that I learned in Chemistry at school, was that Carbon Monoxide is an unstable gas, and pretty soon combines with other oxygen to form Carbon Dioxide - which is plant food! That is what plants do! They absorb Carbon Dioxide and give off Oxygen! How scary is that???? Next thing will be a theory that man needs carbon to reproduce (we are carbon based life forms) so panic, the plants are eating our food! Just another reason to wake up in a cold sweat that man will die as a species!(???!!!)

As far as I can remember is one of the main products from combustion engines, is Carbon Monoxide - which soon enough convered into carbon dioxide that is plant food. Man eats what? Plants!!! Sounds like Circle of Life stuff to me!

In Zululand again, today is C-O-L-D. Should we worry that someone more important than Man has gone insane? I really refuse to believe that! It is cold because it is cold, no reason to panic! If we panic, we forget to think of our Creator who by the way, outdid himself creating such wonders as the Game Reserves of Africa. I refuse to believe that man evolved from Africa, and somehow the gene for a black skin was not at all dominant! Strange then that Coloureds (Like President Obama) exist, and they produce children who are definitely not white! Some natives look heavily suntanned but some from further up Africa look almost purple! This is an observation, not a racially motivated comment!

Secret (I think) is to hold onto Heavenly Fathers mission plan, and to have joy - not fear! It is a well known fact that it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown! A thought - is smiling then a Green Activity? - less muscles used, means less heat and by the way, less energy and less CO2 - therefore is it ecologically and environmentally more friendly to smile than it is to frown? Just a thought! Maybe by worrying about global warming, we are contributing to Global Warming? Take the advice of a song - "Dont worry - be happy!"

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