This is a view of the chapel. As far as I know, the chapel for Port Durnford is the same design.
At Esikhawini there is a baptismal font (above)
Usually at Richards Bay the attendance at Sacrament meeting is around 40 or so, but when I was at Port Durnford, the count was 55 persons. At Esikhawini the count today was 85. When I last spoke at Nseleni the count was 45 heads. The huge problem at the ex twigs is that at least 50% of those attending are aged under 12! There are very few active Priesthood holders from whom future leaders can be chosen.
Currently the Richards Bay branch has a few members looking for spouses:-
Me - on the EQ and District Presidency. I feel that I have found a suitable spouse, but I need to convince her that I am nothing like her ex husbands!
The EQ President - seriously dating a member from Kloof! I have assured him that he is safe from me poaching his lady friends. Turns out that I am only just older than his Dad - and that is saying something! Rob - the branch president feels that I stole his intended whilst he was on mission, but I'd cross my heart - if I had one - that this was definitely not the case!
Thw Second Counsellor on the branch presidency - although he too is looking at a different quality of woman.
The Young mens President - although he too is looking in a generation too young for my tastes!
The Sunday School President - 21 - although he is not seriously searching, since he has his application papers in for consideration.
There is a new member of the District Council, who too is unmarried, but he is seriously dating - may even be engaged - to the Branch Choirister! She is maybe the right age for me - a divorcee also - but I know that she is completely the wrong character for me! Before Divorce, I know that Michele was anxious for me to get involved with Breeze! I dont know, but I like to choose my friends, not have an ex wife choose them for me! She is now twice divorced, and I am not sure that her choices are suitable for me - in fact I dont trust her choices further than I could throw her, and that would not be easy, literally singlehandedly!
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