Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today I was speaking out at Esikhawini. They were apologetic that the attendance was down as some members had returned to school this week. They usually only attend during holidays, but with the recent teachers strike, they were sent home by their boarding schools!

This is a view of the chapel. As far as I know, the chapel for Port Durnford is the same design.

At Esikhawini there is a baptismal font (above)

Usually at Richards Bay the attendance at Sacrament meeting is around 40 or so, but when I was at Port Durnford, the count was 55 persons. At Esikhawini the count today was 85. When I last spoke at Nseleni the count was 45 heads. The huge problem at the ex twigs is that at least 50% of those attending are aged under 12! There are very few active Priesthood holders from whom future leaders can be chosen.

Currently the Richards Bay branch has a few members looking for spouses:-

Me - on the EQ and District Presidency. I feel that I have found a suitable spouse, but I need to convince her that I am nothing like her ex husbands!
The EQ President - seriously dating a member from Kloof! I have assured him that he is safe from me poaching his lady friends. Turns out that I am only just older than his Dad - and that is saying something! Rob - the branch president feels that I stole his intended whilst he was on mission, but I'd cross my heart - if I had one - that this was definitely not the case!
Thw Second Counsellor on the branch presidency - although he too is looking at a different quality of woman.
The Young mens President - although he too is looking in a generation too young for my tastes!
The Sunday School President - 21 - although he is not seriously searching, since he has his application papers in for consideration.

There is a new member of the District Council, who too is unmarried, but he is seriously dating - may even be engaged - to the Branch Choirister! She is maybe the right age for me - a divorcee also - but I know that she is completely the wrong character for me! Before Divorce, I know that Michele was anxious for me to get involved with Breeze! I dont know, but I like to choose my friends, not have an ex wife choose them for me! She is now twice divorced, and I am not sure that her choices are suitable for me - in fact I dont trust her choices further than I could throw her, and that would not be easy, literally singlehandedly!

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