Friday, September 17, 2010


Today I was with my headshrink! She was saying that she is sceptical about existance outside of mere mortality! I think she needs to think about existance being more than starting at conception and ending at death!

I can sense that there is more to our existance than just the here and now! I think that she has not had life easy - twice divorced - and she has had no reason to believe that there is more to us than just being alive!

Still, this is going to be my mission in life - at least for now! I truly believe that she is a good person, but i need to convince her that there IS a reason for existing more than just taking up space on this planet!

I kind of think that some people are oxygen thieves! That does not mean that I believe that these people are not to be allowed to live! That is far from my call - thank heavens!

I managed to take a photo of her at work, but she was not happy with me! She wants to pose and have time to collect her thoughts. I love the fact that she is a mite scatter brained, and have said to her that I truly believe that she is scatter-brained about minor things - like cell phones (Mobile phones). These are kind of tiny and do not hold a huge interest for her. Hence she is always losing them! It is strange that she loses expensive cell phones with gay abandon, and when I gave her a real cheapie set, it lasted her a good 15 months! Maybe because it was such a cheapie set, no-one bothered to steal it, and in fact she had it returned to her! Once it was stolen from her, but the thief was seen, tackled and forced to give it back! She now has a fancy one with a QWERTY keyboard - one where to print a letter of the alphabet, you select the key - the same vas a computer keyboard! My cell phones use the numeric keys to convert to alpha keys! You select the mode, then hit a 1 key to select am A, a B or a C - or a 1. Kind of cofusing when the cell phone selects whether it wants the key to be an A, a B or a C - and changes as you hit other keys (Predictive text!) Frightening when your hand held cell phone is brighter than you are!

On my other cell, I have GPRS maps, and I use this with voice commands, so that I dont need to look at the screen! I am highly amused when it says to me (Recalculating route!) which is when you have made anm incorrect turn! If you have messed up completely - as I have sometimes - it says "Make a legal U turn at the next possible opportunity" - that means that I have messed up completely! I have also had it bleat at me "Watch your speed" - and I thought there was no-one watching me! The days of "Big Brother is watching you!" (George Orwells Animal Farm) is here!

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