Thursday, September 23, 2010


I had to laugh out loud at the digital news on the DSTV news items! Turns out that in the early to mid 1970's, global warming was actually an unexplained regression in temperatures - Global Cooling! Scientists are unable to explain why their theory of Global Warming was actually a regression in temperatures! I still believe that Global Warming is only a myth developed to scare us into making really expensive changes to our lifestyles!

If anything, the hot air generated by fears over Global Warming has increased temperatures back to what they should be - as they were before 1970! Who can say what the world temperatures should be, and I dont really believe that we need to concern ourselves about CFC Free refrigerators or aircons!

I understand that to produce "environmentally friendly" cars (Toyota Prius) is far more damageing to the environment than running an ordinary car over say 20 years would be - then you have the problem of disposing of the batteries when the car is finally dead! How "environmentally friendly" friendly is that? The recent warming is probably only the world rectifying itself! If it happened - unexplained, in the mid 1970's - then why would it not happen again? I think it is only panic created that Man has become so superior in intelligence and power as to influence nature - without knowing that he is doing so! Does that sound reasonable? Are we so powerful that we can dictate to our creator that climate be influenced by our intelligence, or on the reverse of the same coin, claim that we are dumb enough as to ruin our world? Are we dumb - or of superior intelligence? We have to be either/or - surely not both!

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